Examples of Proposed species in a sentence
Proposed species name.B. Property lines labeled with required bufferyard types.C. Structures, existing and proposed.D. Landscaping, existing and proposed.E. Hardscaping, existing and proposed.F. Top-of-wall and bottom-of-wall elevations of all retaining walls and site walls.
Proposed species are those that have been officially proposed (in the Federal Register) for listing as threatened or endangered.
Proposed species are to be approved by Council’s Tree Management Officer.
Proposed species include a mix of native broadleaf and native coniferous species to maintain the existing landscape character of hedgerows, trees and mature copses.
Proposed species must be submitted to the relevant regulatory agency prior to use, and must be documented in the Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) for the proposed dredging project or site investigation/risk assessment.
Proposed species must be coordinated through the Dredged Material Management Office, and the rationale for species selection must be documented in the sampling and analysis plan for the proposed dredging project.
In the end, other federal agencies must simply discuss their plans impacting Proposed species with the FWS, but the FWS has no real power to object.
Proposed species are species that have been officially proposed for listing as threatened or endangered by the Secretary of the Interior, and a proposed rule has been published in the Federal Register.
The BA/BE includes a complete discussion of (1) USFWS Threatened, Endangered, and Proposed species and Forest Service Region 5 Sensitive species with potential habitat in the project area; (2) project effects on Plumas National Forest Special Interest species (“Appendix A: Botany Report” in the BA/BE); and (3) noxious species (“Appendix C: Noxious Weed Risk Assessment” in the BA/BE).
Proposed species are to be to the satisfaction of the responsible authority. A Land Management Plan must be prepared by an appropriately qualified professional and applied to all lots abutting the Golf Course and Inverleigh Nature Conservation Reserve.