Prospect well definition

Prospect well or “exploratory well” means any well drilled to extend a field or explore a new, potentially productive reservoir.
Prospect well or “exploratory well” means any well drilled to extend a field or explore a
Prospect well means the well which is to be drilled on a Prospect;

Examples of Prospect well in a sentence

  • Mr Mark Wilson Managing Director PROJECTS Cameroon: iron ore, gold Pilbara: nickel, copper, zinc, iron oreHIGHLIGHTS  Phase 1 Drilling completed at Melombo East  Assays awaited from seven holes  New rig to be mobilised for Phase 2 Drilling at Melombo East  Preparations for April commencement of Phase 1 Drill campaign at Plateau Prospect well advanced.

  • The Dorn Prospect well produced non-commercial quantities of gas and water from multiple prospective sandstone sections, and the Company has decided to plug and abandon the well as a dry hole.

  • The purpose for the proposed action is to respond to a request by Texas Petroleum Investment Company (Applicant) for an Operations Permit (Permit) for Applicant’s proposed activities of drilling the Delta Duck Club Teal Prospect well.

  • Impairment expense for the three months ended March 31, 2020 included$32,297 (year ended December 31, 2019 - $91,487) of costs from the Dorn Prospect well.

  • In as much as Chevron has or may enter into similar Agreements with other parties or Co-Working Interest Owners which may cover Available Acreage on one or more of the Prospects listed on Exhibit "A" and/or Exhibit "B," any Chevron interest farmed out pursuant to this Agreement or participation agreements shall be proportioned among the parties desiring to participate in that specific Prospect well.

  • Subject to regulatory approval and rig availability, Blue Sky will pay Sacgasco’s 72.5% working interest share of the Nandino Prospect well cost up to and including wireline logging on a 2 for 1 basis to earn 36.25% participating interest when the farmin obligations are fulfilled.

  • On February 14, 2017, the Company issued a press release announcing that it drilled a total measured depth of the Labokay Prospect well where hydrocarbons shows were present, but not in commercial quantities to warrant completion.

  • While Pohle shall use its bexx xfforts to develop Prospects in accordance with sound and prudent oilfield and geological and geophysical standards and practices, Pohle makes no representxxxxxs, and hereby expressly disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, with respect to the success or probability of success of any Prospect or Prospect well.

  • In the fourth quarter of 2019, the Company’s Dorn Prospect well in the Yegua formation was drilled and testing operations were concluded.

  • Such drilling may be proposed no more than three (3) Additional Prospects at a time, with proposals for Additional Prospects being made immediately after the last of the previously proposed Additional Prospect well is completed as a producer or plugged and abandoned as a dry hole.

Related to Prospect well

  • Exploration Well means a well that is not a development well, a service well or a stratigraphic test well.

  • Deep well means a well located and constructed in such a manner that there is a continuous layer of low permeability soil or rock at least 5 feet thick located at least 25 feet below the normal ground surface and above the aquifer from which water is to be drawn.

  • Development Well means a well drilled inside the established limits of an oil or gas reservoir, or in close proximity to the edge of the reservoir, to the depth of a stratigraphic horizon known to be productive.

  • Test Well means a well constructed for the purpose of obtaining information needed to design a well prior to its construction. Test wells are cased and can be converted to observation or monitoring wells and under certain circumstances to production wells

  • Shallow well means a well located and constructed in such a manner that there is not a continuous layer of low permeability soil or rock (or equivalent retarding mechanism acceptable to the department) at least 5 feet thick, the top of which is located at least 25 feet below the normal ground surface and above the aquifer from which water is to be drawn.

  • Exploratory Well means a well that is not a development well, a service well or a stratigraphic test well.

  • Oil well means any well capable of producing oil or oil and casinghead gas from a common source of supply as determined by the commission.

  • Gas well means a well producing gas or natural gas from a common source of gas supply as determined by the commission.

  • Drill means a response to a planned, simulated event.

  • Water well means an excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, augered, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed for the purpose of exploring for groundwater, monitoring groundwater, utilizing the geothermal properties of the ground, or extracting water from or injecting water into the aquifer. “Water well” does not include an open ditch or drain tiles or an excavation made for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products mined or quarried.

  • drilling means the act of boring a hole to reach a proposed bottom hole location through which oil or gas may be produced if encountered in paying quantities, and includes redrilling, sidetracking, deepening, or other means necessary to reach the proposed bottom hole location, testing, logging, plugging, and other operations necessary and incidental to the actual boring of the hole;

  • Injection well means a well into which fluids are injected. (See also “underground injection”.)

  • Horizontal well means a well bore drilled laterally at an angle of at least eighty (80) degrees to the vertical or with a horizontal projection exceeding one hundred (100) feet measured from the initial point of penetration into the productive formation through the terminus of the lateral in the same common source of supply.

  • Acreage means the number of acres of land area of an Assessor's Parcel as shown on an Assessor's Parcel Map, or if the land area is not shown on an Assessor’s Parcel Map, the Board may rely on the land area shown on the applicable final map, parcel map, condominium plan, or other recorded County parcel map.

  • JOA means the joint operating agreement currently in force in respect of operations pursuant to a Licence and identified as such in Schedule 1;

  • stratigraphic test well means a drilling effort, geologically directed, to obtain information pertaining to a specific geologic condition. Ordinarily, such wells are drilled without the intention of being completed for hydrocarbon production. They include wells for the purpose of core tests and all types of expendable holes related to hydrocarbon exploration. Stratigraphic test wells are classified as (i) "exploratory type" if not drilled into a proved property; or (ii) "development type", if drilled into a proved property. Development type stratigraphic wells are also referred to as "evaluation wells".

  • exploration area means that part of the Area allocated to the Contractor for exploration, described in schedule 1 hereto, as the same may be reduced from time to time in accordance with this contract and the Regulations;

  • Project Area means land or lands located within the incentive

  • Contract Area means the geographic maintenance area as negotiated between the Employer and the Province of BC.

  • Prospecting means activities considered normal and reasonably necessary to retrieve samples of subsurface geologic sediments for the specific purpose of locating, mapping, and determining the quality and quantity of sedimentary strata or natural deposits.

  • Workover means operations on a producing well to restore or increase production.

  • Depth , in respect of a building, means the measured distance between the front line of the building and the back line of the rear main wall which separates the main building from the open space;

  • Gathering System means that portion of Gatherer’s pipeline system, including all appurtenances thereto, related to the provision of gathering and transportation services provided by Gatherer pursuant to this tariff.

  • Drilling unit means the area fixed for the drilling of one well by order or rule of any state or federal body having authority. If a Drilling Unit is not fixed by any such rule or order, a Drilling Unit shall be the drilling unit as established by the pattern of drilling in the Contract Area unless fixed by express agreement of the Drilling Parties.

  • Exploration means all activities directed toward ascertaining the existence, location, quantity, quality or commercial value of deposits of Products.

  • Refinery means a facility for the manufacture or reprocessing of finished or unfinished petroleum