Public Distribution System definition
Examples of Public Distribution System in a sentence
So far as rationed items are concerned, the prices for the centres covered under informal rationing are the weighted average prices, the weights being the proportion of the quantity available through Public Distribution System and quantity procured from the open market in different centres in relation to base year requirements of an average family.
De-Energised means the temporary removal of the supply at a Defined Metering Point (e.g. the main circuit connections to the Public Distribution System Operator’s network are still made) such that all or part of the Metering Equipment is considered to be temporarily "inactive" for the purposes of Settlement.
De-Energised means the temporary removal of the supply at a Defined Metering Point (e.g. the main circuit connections to the Public Distribution System Operators network are still made) such that all or part of the Metering Equipment is considered to be temporarily "inactive" for the purposes of Settlement.
This stands for Public Distribution System, which means the distribution of some essential commodities by the government at subsidised rates through ration shops, fair price shops and control shops.
It is one of its kind scheme where benefits—cash and non-cash, e.g. Public Distribution System (PDS), Scholarships, Social Security Pensions & benefits of other Schemes like Distribution of Scooties to Students, Janani Suraksha Yojana are being routed through Jan Aadhaar Yojana as per Rajasthan Jan-Aadhaar Authority act-2020.