Examples of Purchase and sale of goods in a sentence
Purchase and sale of goods through the Goods Exchange mean commercial activities whereby the parties agree to purchase and sell a defined quantity of goods of a defined type through the Goods Exchange under the standards of the Goods Exchange, at a price agreed upon at the time the contract is entered into, and with the time of goods delivery determined to be a specific point of time in the future.
Purchase and sale of goods mean commercial activities whereby the seller is obliged to deliver goods, transfer ownership of goods to the purchaser and receive payment; the purchaser is obliged to pay to the seller and receive goods and the ownership thereof as agreed.
Internal trade can be categorised into two broad categories (i) wholesale trade; and (ii) retailing trade.Wholesale trade: Purchase and sale of goods and services in large quantities for the purposes of resale or intermediate use is referred to as wholesale trade.
Natasha Sinha are common directors holding more than 2% of paid up capital of Mesco Steels Limited.b. Nature of contracts / arrangements / transactions: Purchase and sale of goods and all other type of servicesc.
Purchase and sale of goods by mandated dealers mean commercial activities whereby the mandatory conducts the purchase and sale of goods in his/her/its own name under terms agreed upon with the mandator and is entitled to receive mandate commission.
Purchase and sale of goods and services in large quantities, for the purpose of resale or intermediate use is referred to as wholesale trade.On the other hand, purchase and sale of goods in relatively small quantities, generally to the ultimate consumers, is referred to as retail trade.
Purchase and sale of goods as well as provision of service are conducted by the Company independently.
Purchase and sale of goods and services in large quantities for the purpose of resale or intermediate use is referred to as wholesale trade.On the other hand, purchase andsale of goods in relatively small quantities, generally to the ultimate consumers, is referred to as retail trade.
Purchase and sale of goods and services; lease of realestate (category involves non-depreciable assets)Greater of $200,000 or 1/50 of 1% of regulatoryCapital1/8 of 1% of regulatory capital per financial year10.
Natasha Sinha are common directors holding more than 2% of paid up capital of Mesco Steels Limited.b) Nature of contracts / arrangements / transactions: Purchase and sale of goods and all other type of servicesc) Duration of the contracts / arrangements / transactions: September 30, 2016 till September 30, 2017.