Examples of Qualified applicant in a sentence
Qualified applicant communities must have a downtown district meeting the definition in 30-A M.R.S.A. Section 4301(5-A).
The creditor may specify a rea- sonable time period within which the ac- count holder must submit the required infor- mation.7(d) Signature of spouse or other person.1. Qualified applicant.
Qualified applicant communities must have a downtown district meeting the definition of PL 776 enacted by the 119th legislature.
A Qualified applicant shall be defined as an employee who will meet the eligibility requirements set forth in this article and Article 6(C) at the time the non-line transfer is to occur.
Th e c r edi t o r m ay specify a r e a so na ble t i m e pe r iod wi t h i n w h ic h t h e a cco un t h olde r m u s t s u b m i t t h e r eq u i r ed i nfo r m a t io n .7( d) Signature of spouse or ot her person.1. Qualified applicant.