Qualified Proponent definition

Qualified Proponent means a Proponent possessing the qualifications described in this RFP;
Qualified Proponent means a Proponent selected to participate in the Invitation to Negotiate at the sole and unfettered discretion of the Town;
Qualified Proponent means a Proponent possessing the qualifications described in this RFQ;

Examples of Qualified Proponent in a sentence

  • The Qualified Proponent who expressed its interest in the Area and submitted the pertinent Letter of Intent is the only one entitled to submit a Proposal thereon as per the timing established in the Schedule and to be declared Initial Proponent, should its proposal be valid.

  • The Qualified Proponent who gave rise to the incorporation of the Area to the Process an filed the pertinent Letter of Intention, is the only one entitled to file a Proposal thereon as per the timing set out in the Schedule and to be declared an Initial Proponent, should its proposal be valid.

  • The Qualified Proponent interested in being awarded one or more of the Selection Process Areas, with respect to which no Proposal has been received in the first two (2) cycles of the bid, must expressly state so to the ANH, through a communication identifying which of the areas listed in Annex C of these Terms of Reference are of its interest, attaching the Letter of Intent (Form No. 29) thereto.

  • Communication whereby the Qualified Proponent who Manifests Interest or Requests Incorporation of Areas, undertakes to file within the stipulated time and in compliance with all the applicable requirements, the information requested in numeral 6.15 of the Terms of Reference, and to submit a Proposal for that which is the subject of its request, by filling out Form No. 29 attached to these Terms of Reference.

  • After the first Qualified Proponent has entered into the Agreement, the next highest scoring Qualified Proponent will be invited to enter into an Agreement with OECM, if: The Proponent is not the first Qualified Proponent.The Proponent’s Proposal does not propose the same OEM Products as the first Qualified Proponent.

  • This section states the qualifications and other requirements that a party must meet to participate in this RFP process as a Qualified Proponent.

  • A bid bond must be presented for each Area on which the Qualified Proponent expects its allocation.

  • Bid Bond of the Proposal or Counteroffer: It must be used to submit the bid bonds for each of the Areas in which the Qualified Proponent is interested in filing a Proposal and Counteroffer.

  • That verification may be made by whatever means KAL considers appropriate including without limitation contacting the references provided by the Qualified Proponent and any proposed subcontractor or partner of the Qualified Proponent.

  • If the Proponent proposes the same OEM Products, then the next highest scoring Qualified Proponent which proposes a different OEM’s Products will be invited to enter into an Agreement.The Proponent signs the Agreement within fifteen (15) Business Days.

More Definitions of Qualified Proponent

Qualified Proponent means a Proponent whose Qualification Submission has met the requirements of this Request for Qualifications;
Qualified Proponent means a Proponent selected to participate in the Invitation to Negotiate at the sole and unfettered discretion of the Leduc-Nisku EDA;
Qualified Proponent means a Proponent possessing the qualifications described in this RFPQ
Qualified Proponent means a Proponent who is qualified under this RFQ to participate in any Second Stage Process pursuant to Section 1.3 (Qualification for Second Stage Process).
Qualified Proponent means the person or entity (or in the case of a joint venture, the persons or entities) that qualified following the submission of a Response to the RFQ and is invited to submit a Proposal, together with a Project Entity of that person or entity that has complied with the requirements of Subsection 3.3 of the Invitation to Submit a Proposal (Annex D);

Related to Qualified Proponent

  • Preferred Proponent means the Proponent that is invited into negotiations in accordance with the evaluation process set out in this RFP;

  • Superior Proposal has the meaning set forth in Section 5.09(a).

  • Alternative Proposal has the meaning set forth in Section 6.2(b).

  • Acquisition Proposal has the meaning set forth in Section 5.03(a).

  • Proponent means the legal entity which has signed the Proposal Form, and “proponent” means any proponent responding to the RFP, excluding or including the Proponent, as the context requires.