Quarter One definition
Examples of Quarter One in a sentence
Students must complete the nursing program within nine (9) quarters from their original start date of Quarter One (excluding summer quarter).
Quarter One; April –June 2018: £37.50 Quarter Two; July- September 2018: £37.50 Quarter Three; October- December 2018: £37.50 Quarter Four; January – March 2019 £37.50 Claims/Audits must be submitted within 2 months of the end of the quarter and payment will be made by NHS England within 28 days on receipt of invoice from PharmOutcomes.
Initial QuantiFERON testing is to be completed by every nursing student within the first or second week of Quarter One.
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Information includes Quarter One (April to June) 2014/15 performance, quarter one target and Red/Amber/Green (RAG) status.
The table below shows the Trust’s submitted position against the milestones for Quarter One of the 2018/19 CQUIN programme.
Dates for submission are as follows:o Quarter One: October 15tho Quarter Two: January 15tho Quarter Three: April 15tho Quarter Four: July 15th• QM has developed an Excel NOABD Log that programs can use to track monthly NOABD’s.
Quarter One Report HighlightsCouncil is forecasting a full year surplus of $7.1m, which is $1.3m higher than the budgeted surplus of $5.8m.
The RESOURCES AND PERFORMANCE COMMITTEE noted that following review of the Quarter One submission NHS Borders may be required to amend the year end brokerage funding requested from Scottish Government to achieve a break even outturn.
Members were updated on the work of the Committee’s performance panel, including a review of the Quarter One performance report.