Radiation monitoring definition

Radiation monitoring means the periodic or continuous determination of the exposure rate or contamination level in an area (area monitoring) or of the dose received by an individual (personnel monitoring).
Radiation monitoring means periodic or continuous determination of the amount of radiation or contamination for the purpose of health protection.
Radiation monitoring means the acquisition and evaluation of information on the radiation situation at sites with sources of ionising radiation, in the environment, and on the exposure of people (includes radiometric and dosimetric control).

Examples of Radiation monitoring in a sentence

  • The instruments shall be operable and calibrated in accordance with 41.2(18).41.2(55) Radiation monitoring device.a. A licensee shall have in each teletherapy room a permanent radiation monitor capable of continuously monitoring beam status.b. Each radiation monitor shall be capable of providing visible notice of a teletherapy unit malfunction that results in an exposed or partially exposed source.

  • Radiation monitoring devices must not be tampered with in any manner.

  • The instruments shall be operable and calibrated in accordance with 41.2(18).41.2(55) Radiation monitoring device.a. A licensee shall have in each teletherapy room a permanent radiation monitor capable of con- tinuously monitoring beam status.b. Each radiation monitor shall be capable of providing visible notice of a teletherapy unit mal- function that results in an exposed or partially exposed source.

  • Ventilation system design in plant buildings is discussed in Section 9.4. Radiation monitoring devices are located throughout the plant to assist in the control of personnel exposure.

  • Radiation monitoring of the reactor coolant is made by grab samples and laboratory analysis of the primary coolant.

  • Radiation monitoring results show that ANSTO’s spent fuel and radioactive waste management facilities continue to be operated without undue risk to the health and safety of people and the environment.

  • Radiation monitoring is extremely important to ensure the SVT does not exceed its radiation budget, which could cause permanent damage to the device.

  • Radiation monitoring should be prioritised in the areas most likely to be contaminated, using information such as the release locations and meteorological conditions.

  • Radiation monitoring instrumentation may be used to qualitatively assess changes in leak rate.

  • Radiation monitoring for the ISFSI is performed in accordance with the Radiation Protection Program implemented at ZNPS.

More Definitions of Radiation monitoring

Radiation monitoring means the determination of the amount of radioactive materials present in the environment, including ambient radiation levels, by laboratory analysis of selected samples of fish, food, milk, air, water, vegetation, soil and ambient radiation readings taken from the area around a nuclear power plant.
Radiation monitoring means the periodic or continuous determination of the exposure rate or
Radiation monitoring means the use of suitable equipment and measurement

Related to Radiation monitoring

  • Radiation means alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, X-rays, neutrons, high-speed electrons, high-speed protons, and other particles capable of producing ions. For purposes of these rules, ionizing radiation is an equivalent term. Radiation, as used in these rules, does not include nonionizing radiation, such as radiowaves or microwaves, visible, infrared, or ultraviolet light.

  • Radiation machine means any device capable of producing radiation except those devices with radioactive material as the only source of radiation.

  • Stray radiation means the sum of leakage and scattered radiation.

  • Radiation therapist means a person, other than a Licensed Practitioner or Nuclear Medicine Technologist, who applies radiation to humans for therapeutic purposes under the supervision of a Licensed Practitioner;

  • Beam monitoring system means a system designed and installed in the radiation head to detect and measure the radiation present in the useful beam.

  • Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.

  • Irradiation means the exposure of a living being or matter to ionizing radiation.

  • Individual monitoring devices means devices designed to be worn by a single individual for the assessment of dose equivalent. For purposes of these regulations, "personnel dosimeter" and "dosimeter" are equivalent terms. Examples of individual monitoring devices are film badges, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs), pocket ionization chambers, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeters and personal air sampling devices.

  • Drug therapy management means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen.

  • Background radiation means radiation from cosmic sources; naturally occurring radioactive materials, including radon (except as a decay product of source or special nuclear material); and global fallout as it exists in the environment from the testing of nuclear explosive devices or from past nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl that contribute to background radiation and are not under the control of the licensee. “Background radiation” does not include sources of radiation from radioactive materials regulated by the agency.

  • Therapy means the administration of drugs or chemicals to remove toxic concentrations of metals from the body.

  • ionising radiation means the transfer of energy in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves of a wavelength of 100 nanometres or less or a frequency of 3 x 1015 hertz or more capable of producing ions directly or indirectly;

  • Radiation detector means a device which in the presence of radiation provides a signal or other indication suitable for use in measuring one or more quantities of incident radiation.

  • Individual monitoring means the assessment of:

  • Service Management System (SMS) means an off-line system used to access, create, modify, or update information in a Database.

  • Environmental Management System means an environmental management system or plan of management to address all environmental risks and to ensure compliance with all Environmental Laws and licences;

  • Radiation safety officer means an individual who has the knowledge and responsibility to apply appropriate radiation protection regulations and has been assigned such responsibility by the licensee or registrant.

  • Fraud Monitoring System means an off-line administration system that monitors suspected occurrences of ABT- related fraud.

  • Electric generation service means the provision of retail

  • Stormwater management system means any equipment, plants,