Examples of Radio Amateurs in a sentence
Linking To the Outside In addition to helping with neighborhood communications plans, Radio Amateurs may be called upon or expected to provide a link to adjacent areas or to first responders.
Radio Amateurs are familiar with good radio protocol and can teach it to their neighbors to promote efficient use of whatever radios are in use.
If in doubt as to how to correctly perform this task, refer to The Radio Amateurs Handbook.
The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) works with telecommunications bodies here in the Americas to train Radio Amateurs and acquire suitable data equipment for use in disasters, such as hurricanes.
C.PO Box 26233Milwaukee, WI 53226-0233HHHAAAMMMAAATTTEEEUUURRR CCCHHHAAATTTTTTEEERRR The Milwaukee Radio Amateurs Club November 2012, Volume 20, Issue 11One of the World’s Oldest Continuously Active Radio Amateur Clubs—since 1917 Skywarn Recognition Day On Tuesday, November 20, the FCC released a6PM November 30th and ends at Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ET Docket No. 12-6PM December 1st.
DOUGLAS BAYNTON, THE BELL CURVE: DISABILITY AS A FUNDAMENTAL JUSTIFICATION FOR INEQUALITY (1992); Hanoch Livneh, On the Origins of Negative Attitudes Towards People with Disabilities, 43 REHABILITATION LITERATURE 338 (1982).
Radio Amateurs for Civil Emergency Services/Amateur Radio Emergency Services may:Monitor established disaster frequencies.Provide assistance in transmitting communication material.
In 2004, the City and Guilds Institute discontinued the Radio Amateurs Examination.
Due to the discontinuation of the City and Guilds Radio Amateurs Examination in Trinidad and Tobago, nationals and residents have sought, and taken, the RSGB or ARRL examination in an attempt to become amateur radio operators.
RAYNET (Radio Amateurs Emergency Network)Additional ad hoc communications can be provided by Fife RAYNET Group whose members are licensed by the Home Office to supply voice and packet radio communications to approved user services.