Examples of Rail authority in a sentence
Enclosure: 1 Form ELI-2:Undertaking For Not Being Blacklisted We do hereby undertake that we have not been blacklisted or deregistered by the Central Government; any state Government, PSUs, multilateral funding agency or any Metro Rail authority in India as per clause 5.2 of Instruction to Bidders (ITB), on the date of bid submission.
Where an application is received for the development or redevelopment of lands abutting or adjacent to a rail line, the municipality shall require the applicant to consult with the Ministry of the Environment and the appropriate Rail authority prior to approving the application.
A big thank you Diane Magone talked about the Big Sky Rail authority and a meeting coming up in Paradise Mt.The Montana Health Council has a grant to host there on May 24 at 4 pm.
City Manager Carlos Villarreal said that they could have their consultant go to the Federal Rail authority and find out what is the recourse for cities to take if the railroad companies do not fix train crossing problems.
Sheriff’s ReportLyman County Commssioners withdraw Lyman County from the MRC Rail authority The Sheriff’s report is printed as received from the Lyman Co. Sheriff’s office.
The California High Speed Rail authority envisions P3 mixed use station development strategies for all of its major stations.4.1. Milwaukee Intermodal Terminal Project – Wisconsin Department of TransportationThe Milwaukee Intermodal Terminal Project is a $19 million public-private partnership to redevelop the Milwaukee Amtrak Station into a mixed-use intermodal terminal for passenger rail and intercity bus operations.
Stakeholders include adjoining property owners, community members, Tasmanian Rail authority and the Council.
Caltrain and the High- Speed Rail authority are both seeking to secure major portions of the $2.25 billion the federal government allotted to California in January for high-speed rail.
However, in Simic, at [44] and [45], while Kiefel J referred to “an outward expression of accord”, she went on to cite authority for the view that an outward expression of the parties’ common intention is not a requirement for rectification.6 Simic at [104].7 Simic at [104].8 Codelfa Construction Pty Ltd v State Rail authority of NSW 41 ALR 367 (Codelfa), at 370, per Mason J.9 Codelfa, at 370, per Mason J.