Section 22.2 Sample Clauses
Section 22.2. 16 All provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable to the entire term of this Agreement 17 notwithstanding its execution date, except as provided in the following section. 18
Section 22.2. Section 10.03(d) of the Merger Agreement is hereby amended and superseded in all respects by the provisions of this Second Amendment. As amended and restated, Section 10.03(d) of the Merger Agreement reads in its entirety:
Section 22.2. 10 Salaries contained in Schedule A shall be for the entire term of this agreement. Should the date of 11 execution of this agreement be subsequent to the effective date, salaries, including overtime, shall be 12 retroactive to the effective date.
Section 22.2. 12 Upon successful completion of apprenticeship standards and recognition by the WPSCEJATC of 13 journey status, the journey personnel shall receive an additional one dollar ($1.00) per hour provided 14 that the employee is in a position with responsibilities that are compatible with the skills earned in the 15 apprenticeship program. Those completing WPSCEJATC programs after April 10, 2008 shall be 16 eligible for the additional $1.00/hour 17 18
Section 22.2. District shall deduct PSE regular dues from the pay of any employee who authorizes such 3 deductions in writing pursuant to RCW 41.56.110. The District shall transmit all such funds deducted 4 to the Treasurer of the Public School Employees of Washington/SEIU Local 1948 on a monthly 5 basis. Further, the District shall submit, in electronic format to the PSE Kennewick Office the 6 following information: Name, Address, Phone Number, dues status (regular dues, or non-dues payer), 7 employment status (LOA etc.) 11 A R T I C L E X X I I I 13 CHECKOFF
Section 22.2. 10 Salaries contained in Schedule A shall be for the entire term of this Agreement. Anyone hired after the 11 first working day of January must remain on the entry level step for one (1) complete year.
Section 22.2. 29 Neither party shall be compelled to comply to any provision of this Agreement which conflicts with 30 state or federal statutes or regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
Section 22.2. Section 2.2.2 of the Purchase Agreement is hereby amended to add the following subsection (f) language:
Section 22.2. In the administration of this Article, the District shall observe for similar or related offenses the
10 a. A verbal reprimand. This shall include written verification that the verbal reprimand has taken place.
11 b. A conference with the unit member, which is memorialized in a memorandum but not placed in the 12 personnel file.
13 c. A written reprimand, which is placed in the personnel file. The content of oral or written 14 communications in Steps a, b, and c shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.
15 d. Imposition of a first suspension not to exceed five (5) consecutive workdays. Any suspension shall be 16 based upon the just cause, as defined in Section 1, and shall include, but not be limited to, 17 insubordination, failure to perform assigned or expected duties, unprofessional conduct, excessive or 18 inappropriate absenteeism or tardiness, or the causes set forth in Ed Code 44932.
19 e. Imposition of additional suspensions not to exceed ten (10) consecutive workdays. (Suspension 20 procedure will be same as Section 21.2 d above)
21 f. In the event of major or serious infractions, failure to follow safety procedures as outlined in Article 14, 22 or inappropriate behavior, defined in Board Policy 6640 and Ed Code 44932 and 44933, the District may 23 impose discipline without following the progressive steps set forth above.
Section 22.2. 21 Employees within the Paraeducator classification who normally work to assist a teacher in the 22 classroom will not be required to do lesson planning outside of the regular workday.