Examples of Rain garden in a sentence
For non-profits: state or federal registration or non-profit letter of the non-profit organization status)) Project Type Contributing Area (square footage of area where rainfall will be captured) Grant/Square Footage Total Grant (Contributing area X square footage, max of $1,500/ project or $4,500/project for income-limited landowners) Rain garden $1/square foot Income limited: $3/sq.
Rain garden size can range from 40 - 300 square feet for a residential area.
Rain garden costs included labor, vehicle use/rental, and materials.
Phase 1: Alma Road rain garden construction works (north of the Lee Valley flyover)- Completed March 2016 (4 weeks).Street artwork delivery with residents, Alma Road Primary School, Oasis Academy, and corporate volunteers – Completed July 2016 (2 weeks).Phase 2: Rain garden and SuDS construction works (south of the Lee Valley flyover) will be delivered by Countryside developers as part of the Alma Road Regeneration Project.
Figure 6 Rain garden details The largest rain garden (RG1 – see Figure 6) reduces the large bell-mouth on Scotland Green Road North, and has a new length of permeable paving footway running through it to facilitate a safer crossing point.