Ransomware Attack definition
Examples of Ransomware Attack in a sentence
Each Settlement Class Member is eligible to submit a claim for lost time related to their efforts undertaken to prevent or mitigate fraud and identity theft following the announcement of the Ransomware Attack, called a Lost Time Payment.
Pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, this Court certifies, solely for purposes of effectuating the Settlement, this Action as a class action on behalf of a Settlement Class1 defined as: all natural persons who are residents of the United States whose Personal Information was compromised in the Ransomware Attack and were sent, either by U.S. Mail or e-mail, notice by Forefront that their Personal Information may have been compromised in the Ransomware Attack.
Defendant agrees to provide a declaration detailing its business practice changes implemented after the Ransomware Attack.
Class Members may also submit a claim for lost time related to their efforts undertaken to prevent or mitigate fraud and identity theft following the announcement of the Ransomware Attack.
Plaintiff sought certification of a class of persons including “[a]ll persons whose Private Information was compromised as a result of the Ransomware Attack announced by Gastroenterology on or about August 6, 2021.” Id. ¶ 20.By his operative and amended petition, Plaintiff seeks equitable relief enjoining GCPA from engaging in the wrongful conduct complained of and compelling GCPA to utilize appropriate methods and policies with respect to consumer data collection, storage, and safety.
They maintain that Blackbaud’s security failures contributed to the Ransomware Attack that compromised their data, exposing them to fraud and identity theft and diminishing the value of their PII.
However, Fall Creek Reservoir does not stratify and its discharges well exceed those of Mason Dam (i.e., Fall Creek Reservoir minimum discharges exceed Mason Dam maximum discharges).
POST (July 22, 2015), http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/business/2015/07/22/hacks-on-the-highway [https://perma.cc/9VLP-E3XH].139 See Josephine Wolff, The Ransomware Attack That Locked Hotel Guests Out of Their Rooms, SLATE (Feb.
Extraordinary Losses will be deemed “fairly traceable” to the Ransomware Attack if (1) the timing of the cost or expenditure occurred on or after July 29, 2022; and (2) the personal information used to commit identity theft or fraud consisted of the same type of personal information that was provided to Order Express prior to the Ransomware Attack.
Chris Brook, Following Ransomware Attack Indiana Hospital Pays $55K to Unlock Data, DATA INSIDER (Aug.