Examples of Rate B in a sentence
For Customers rendered Delivery Service under Primary General Delivery Service Rate GV or Large General Delivery Service Rate LG or Backup Delivery Service Rate B, all amounts previously billed but remaining unpaid after the due date printed on the bill shall be subject to a late payment charge of one and one-half percent (1 ½ %) thereof, such amounts to include any prior unpaid late payment charges.
Yearly Top-up Annuity (Joint Life) = Rate A * Top-Up amount in excess of Purchase price (including existing top-up amount) up to Rs.1,50,000 + Rate B * Top-Up amount in excess of Purchase price (including existing top-up amount) exceeding Rs.1,50,000.
Yearly Top-up Annuity (Single Life)= Rate A * Top-Up amount in excess of Purchase price (including existing top-up amount) up to Rs.1,25,000 + Rate B * Top-Up amount in excess of Purchase price (including existing top-up amount) exceeding Rs.1,25,000.
Type of EmployeeNumber of Employees Number of Hours/Day Hourly Rate B.
Rate B: Applies to single-motor installations rated 35 horsepower or more, to multi-load installations aggregating 15 horsepower or kilowatts or more, and to “overloaded” motors.
Depending upon the end-use of electricity, the customer will be served under one of the two rates under Schedule AG-1: Rate A or Rate B.
The Off-Peak Period Contracted Demand is the demand in excess of the sum of the Regular Contracted Demand, the Non-Summer Contracted Demand and the Saturday Par- tial-Peak Contracted Demand during Off-Peak Period.3. For customer taking Time-of-Use Rate (B) Service:The Regular Contracted Demand is determined according to the agreement between the customer and the Company on the basis of customer’s maximum demand during Fixed or Mobile Peak Period.
Monthly rates for Primary Rate B Channels will be flat rate billing for all use of local exchange network.
For Customers rendered Delivery Service under Primary General Delivery Service Rate GV, Large General Delivery Service Rate LG or Backup Delivery Service Rate B: If at the request of a Customer, the Company responds to investigate any loss of electric service at the Customer’s premises, and finds the interruption of service has been caused by the Customer’s equipment, the Company shall charge the Customer for the total cost incurred to investigate the loss of service.