Examples of Rate Region in a sentence
One rate per allowable psychiatric accommodation code per non-negotiated rate, Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospital per Rate Region listed in Subsection (i) shall be established and shall be used by all MHPs.
Statewide Programs The South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Center operates a 30-bed facility in West Columbia to serve the vocational training needs of the disabled.REHABILITATION PROGRAMS(Chapter 5) 2018Facility by Region County Beds Pt. Days Occup Rate Region IAnMed Health Rehabilitation HospitalRoger C.
The per diem rate, when there are no Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospitals with a negotiated rate within the Rate Region, will equal the weighted average per diem rate negotiated for all Fee-for Service/Medi-Cal hospitals statewide.
The per diem rate will equal the weighted average per diem rates negotiated for all Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospitals within the Rate Region where the non-negotiated rate Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospital is located.
One per diem rate for each allowable psychiatric accommodation code per non-negotiated rate, Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospital per Rate Region listed in (7) will be established and used.
The per diem rate shall be based on the following information from each Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospital with a contract in the Rate Region where the non-negotiated rate Fee-for- Service/Medi-Cal hospital is located or statewide, if there are no Fee-for- Service/Medi-Cal hospitals with a negotiated rate by accommodation code within the Rate Region: (1) The latest available fiscal year Medi-Cal paid claims data for Fee-for- Service/Medi-Cal acute psychiatric inpatient hospital services patient days.
STANDARD MEMBER HANDBOOK LANGUAGE FOR BADGERCARE PLUS AND MEDICAID SSIINTERPRETER SERVICES[Note to HMO/PIHP: The Member Handbook must contain taglines in at least the top three non- English languages spoken by members in the applicable HMO Rate Region or PIHP Service Area, as well as large print, explaining that written translation or oral interpretation of the document is available to the member free of charge.
The per diem rate shall be based on the following information from each Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospital with a contract in the Rate Region where the non-negotiated rate Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospital is located or statewide, if there are no Fee-for-Service/Medi-Cal hospitals with a negotiated rate by accommodation code within the Rate Region: (1) The latest available fiscal year Medi-Cal paid claims data for Fee-for-Service/Medi- Cal acute psychiatric inpatient hospital services patient days.
Examples of prevalent languages for each Rate Region are identified in Addendum II.
To summarize, employees must have at least ten (10) years of CalPERS credited service, five (5) of which must be served at NCPA, to be eligible to receive post-retirement health benefits up to 50% of the Kaiser Senior Advantage – Employee & 1 Dependent Rate Region One (1) (CalPERS Supplement/Managed Medicare) monthly rate as established in 15.2(a).