Rate Region definition
Examples of Rate Region in a sentence
Examples of prevalent languages for each Rate Region are identified in Addendum II.
Shamai (Shitz), “An Achievable Rate Region for Interference Channels with One Cooperating Transmitter”, The 41st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2007.
Rate Region Frontiers for n-user Interference Channel with Interference as Noise, 45.
In that regard the Union provided the following comparison: Terminal Access Control, Backflow, Access Control Top Rate Region Living Wage % of living wage Gap between Living Wage and Top Rate $14.42 Xxxxxxxx $15.85 91% 9% Source: Ontario Living Wage Network, Living Wage by Region, xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx The Union then cited the perceived Employer response that ever increasing wages were a major detriment to profitability.
The parties agreement to move to the CalPERS equal contribution method equal to 100% of the Kaiser Senior Advantage - Employee & 1 Dependent Rate Region One (1) (CalPERS Supplement Managed Medicare).
D Achievable Outage Rate Regions for the MISO Interfer- ence Channel 127 1 Introduction 130 2 System Model 131 3 Outage Rate Region for Instantaneous CSI 131 3.1 Common Outage Rate Region for Instantaneous CSI 132 3.2 Individual Outage Rate Region for Instantaneous CSI 132 4 Outage Rate Regions for Statistical CSI 137 4.1 Common Outage Rate Region for Statistical CSI 137 4.2 Individual Outage Rate Region for Statistical CSI .
The admissible ratew∈VΣ: vw∈Ew∈VΣ: sw∈Ef (vw) −ΣΣu∈V : uv∈Ef (sw) −u∈V : us∈Ef (uv) = 0, ∀v ∈ V \{s, t}, f (us) ≥ 0.region for multicasting (from s to T at a rate r) is defined as the set of edge capacity vectors c such that the rate r can be fulfilled in (V, E, c); denote this by (r).ALemma 1 (Admissible Rate Region of Multicasting):Given (V, E), a source s, destinations T , the admissible rateFHere f (vw) denotes the flow on edge vw.
Nicholas LanemanMulticast Achievable Rate Region of Deterministic Broadcast Channel 899Mohammad A.
RSecureGeneralized one-time pad region Rdetermines O Cone of Secure Rate Region Conventional Rate Region Fig.
AndrewsDownlink Beamforming with Transmit-side Channel Correlation: A Large System Analysis 2063Rusdha Muharar, Jamie EvansAchievable Rate Region Characterization of the MIMO Broadcast Channel with ChannelDistribution Information 2068Yongpeng Wu, Shi Jin, Xiqi Gao, Chengshan Xiao, Matthew R.