Rate X definition
Examples of Rate X in a sentence
The Interest payable on any Interest Payment Date in respect of each Note is as follows: Loan Interest Rate X Series Specific Loan Principal Amount Outstanding X Day Count Where:Series Specific Loan Principal Amount Outstanding, is the principal amount of the SeriesSpecific Loans which is scheduled to be outstanding (even if the principal amount is redeemed later) on the day immediately before the Loan Interest Payment Date which is immediately before the Interest Payment Date.
The Interest payable on any Interest Payment Date in respect of each Note is as follows: Loan Interest Rate X Series Specific Loan Principal Amount Outstanding X Day Count Where:Series Specific Loan Principal Amount Outstanding, is the principal amount of the Series Specific Loans which is scheduled to be outstanding (even if the principal amount is redeemed later) on the day immediately before the Loan Interest Payment Date which is immediately before the Interest Payment Date.
The Interest payable on any Interest Payment Date in respect of each Note is as follows: Rate X Series Specific Loan Principal Amount Outstanding X Day CountWhere: Series Specific Loan Principal Amount Outstanding, is the principal amount of the Series Specific Loans which is scheduled to be outstanding (even if the principal amount is redeemed later) on the day immediately before the Loan Interest Payment Date which is immediately before the Interest Payment Date.
RTP Hourly Energy Charge = ∑ {Hourly RTP Rate X (Hourly Consumption - CBLConsumption)}where:∑ = The summation of the RTP charges and credits for each hour of the current billing month.
Rate "X" Lighting only service Hourly Lamp Rating in Cu.Ft. ChargePer Lamp Per Month ($)1.99 cu.ft.
Current Interest means, with respect to a Calculation Date, an amount of interest due for theimmediately preceding Interest Period, calculated as follows: Target Interest Rate X Notional Principal Amount X Target Day Count Fraction.
The MMIS system then pays the actual billed amount up to the Maximum Allowable Rate X 1.75.
A Plan Participant’s Award is determined by the following formula: Eligible Earnings X Participation Rate X Payout Award Percentage.
RTP Hourly Energy Charge = Σ{Hourly RTP Rate X (Hourly Consumption - CBLConsumption)}where:Σ = The summation of the RTP charges and credits for each hour of the current billing month.
The formulas as stipulated below will specify if the Note have a Redemption Amount at 100% of the capital invested less fees or not.DefinitionThe Variable Linked Redemption Amount can be constituted out of the next formula(s): = + [ × ( i × max(%i, (i, %i)) + i)]The Final Terms will specify the parameters (Participation Rate, X%, Y%) of the specific issue (see introduction).