Ratification and operation Sample Clauses
Ratification and operation. The provisions of this Agreement other than this Clause and Clauses 1, 2 and 3 shall not come into operation until the Xxxx referred to in Clause 3 has been passed by the Parliament of Western Australia and comes into operation as an Act.
Ratification and operation. The State shall introduce and sponsor a Xxxx in the State Parliament of Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Xxxx as an Act.
Ratification and operation. (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Xxxx in the State Parliament of Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Xxxx as an Act.
(2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause and clause 1 will not come into operation until the day after the day on which the Xxxx referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the State Parliament of Western Australia and commences to operate as an Act.
(3) If by 30 June 2012 the said Xxxx has not commenced to operate as an Act then, unless the parties hereto otherwise agree, this Agreement will then cease and determine and no party hereto will have any claim against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.
(4) On the day after the day on which the said Xxxx commences to operate as an Act all the provisions of this Agreement will operate and take effect despite any enactment or other law.
Ratification and operation. Clause 3(2) and the subsequent clauses (other than clause 11(3)) of this Agreement shall not operate unless and until —
Ratification and operation. (1) This Agreement, other than this clause, does not come into operation except in accordance with subclause (2).
(2) This Agreement, other than this clause, comes into operation on the day on which it is ratified by an Act of the Parliament of Western Australia ("Operative Date") unless, before that day, it terminates under subclauses (4) or (5).
(3) The State must introduce in the Parliament of Western Australia before 30 September 2015 or a later date agreed between the parties to this Agreement, a Bill to ratify this Agreement and must endeavour to secure its passage as an Act.
(4) If by 31 March 2016 this Agreement has not been ratified by an Act of the Parliament of Western Australia then, unless the parties to this Agreement otherwise agree, this Agreement terminates on that day and no party hereto will have any claim against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.
(5) The parties agree that if the Principal Agreement is otherwise determined in accordance with its provisions on a day prior to the Operative Date, then this Agreement shall also terminate on and from that day and no party hereto will have any claim against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.
Ratification and operation. (1) This Agreement, other than this clause and clauses 1 and 2, does not come into operation except in accordance with subclause (2).
(2) This Agreement, other than this clause and clauses 1 and 2, comes into operation on the day on which it is ratified by an Act of the Parliament of Western Australia (Operative Date) unless, before that day, it terminates under subclauses (4) or (5).
(3) The State must introduce in the Parliament of Western Australia before 31 March 2015, or a later date agreed between the parties to this Agreement, a Bill to ratify this Agreement and must endeavour to secure its passage as an Act.
(4) If by 31 December 2015 this Agreement has not been ratified by an Act of the Parliament of Western Australia then, unless the parties to this Agreement otherwise agree, this Agreement terminates on that day and no party hereto will have any claim against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.
(5) The parties agree that if the Principal Agreement is otherwise determined in accordance with its provisions on a day prior to the Operative Date, then this Agreement shall also terminate on and from that day and no party hereto will have any claim against any other party hereto with respect to any matter or thing arising out of, done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed under this Agreement.
Ratification and operation. (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the Parliament of Western Australia to ratify this Agreement and endeavour to secure its passage as an Act prior to 30 June 1992 or such later date as the parties may agree.
(2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause 3 shall not come into operation until the Bill referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the Parliament of Western Australia and comes into operation as an Act.
(3) If before 30 June 1992 or such later date as may be agreed pursuant to subclause (1) the Bill referred to in that subclause has not commenced to operate as an Act then unless the parties otherwise agree this Agreement shall then cease and terminate and none of the parties shall have any claim against any of the others of them with respect to any matter or thing antecedent to, or arising out of or done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed, under this Agreement.
(4) On the Bill referred to in subclause (1) commencing to operate as an Act all of this Agreement shall operate and take effect.
Ratification and operation. Clauses 9 10 11 (other than paragraphs (d) and (l) thereof) 12-22 both inclusive and 24 of this Agreement shall not operate unless and until the Xxxx to ratify this Agreement as referred to in clause 2(b) hereof is passed as an Act before the fifteenth day of November, 1963 or such later date if any as the parties hereto may mutually agree upon. If the Xxxx is not so passed before that date or later date (as the case may be) this Agreement will then cease and determine and neither of the parties hereto will have any claim against the other of them with respect to any matter or thing arising out of done performed or omitted to be done or performed under this agreement except as hereinafter provided in clause 11(d) hereof.
Ratification and operation. (1) The State shall introduce and sponsor a Xxxx in the Parliament of Western Australia to ratify this Agreement and endeavour to secure its passage as an Act prior to 11 December 1992 or such later date as the parties may agree.
(2) The provisions of this Agreement other than this clause 3 shall not come into operation until the Xxxx referred to in subclause (1) has been passed by the Parliament of Western Australia and the provisions of that Xxxx ratifying this Agreement come into operation as an Act.
(3) If before 11 December 1992 or such later date as may be agreed pursuant to subclause (1) the provisions of the Xxxx referred to in that subclause ratifying this Agreement have not commenced to operate as an Act then unless the parties otherwise agree this Agreement shall then cease and terminate and none of the parties shall have any claim against any of the others of them with respect to any matter or thing antecedent to, or arising out of or done, performed, or omitted to be done or performed, under this Agreement.
(4) On the provisions of the Xxxx referred to in subclause (1) ratifying this Agreement commencing to operate as an Act this Agreement shall operate and take effect.
Ratification and operation. The State shall introduce and sponsor a Bill in the State Parliament of Western Australia prior to 31 December 2011 or such later date as may be agreed between the parties hereto to ratify this Agreement. The State shall endeavour to secure the timely passage of such Bill as an Act.