Examples of Rating Affirmation in a sentence
The Issuer undertakes not to enter into any merger, re-organisation or similar transaction without prior Representative Consent and Rating Affirmation.
Subject to the qualifications described in the relevant Programme Document(s) to which it is a party, the Issuer undertakes that no amendment, modification, alteration or supplement shall be made to any Programme Document to which it is a party without prior Rating Affirmation if the same materially and adversely affects the interests of the Issuer or the Bondholders.
Subject to the qualifications described in the relevant Programme Document(s) to which it is a party, the Issuer undertakes that no amendment, modification, alteration or supplement shall be made to any Programme Document to which it is a party without prior Rating Affirmation if the same materially and adversely affects the interest of the Issuer or the Bondholders.
A Rating Affirmation Notice is given on the basis that it will not be construed as advice for the benefit of any parties to the transaction.
Any Rating Affirmation Notice, if given, will be given on the basis of the facts and circumstances prevailing at the relevant time, and in the context of cumulative changes to the transaction of which the securities form part since the issuance closing date.