Examples of RE System in a sentence
R.E., System Simulation: the art and science, Printice Hall Inc, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.1995.
Every solar rooftop consumer under this tender is required to install a separate Generation Meter at the Premises, as per prescribed standards, in case the generation metering arrangement is not provided in the Power Conditioning Unit/ Inverter of the RE System.
The limitations under this section 6.3 also apply to you if the total generation capacity of the RE System is at or below 200kW.
In case of multi storied buildings, residential colonies, commercial buildings, etc., the RE System could be located at common facility area; the same could supply to the bulk power connection or connection for common facilities therein, and, in other cases, without hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other occupants.
The policy shall be applicable to RE Beneficiary, who installs RE system which supplies power for consumption within such Premises, where such RE System is installed.
In case the generation metering arrangement is not provided in the Power Conditioning Unit/ Inverter of the RE System, a separate Generation Meter at the Premises, as per prescribed standards, shall be installed.
Hence, there is no requirement of power from the grid and, therefore, the meter of the RE Beneficiary would record no flow of power at that instant.Case II:In this case, the instantaneous generation of power from the Grid Connected RE System is less than the power requirement of the RE Beneficiary at that instant.
A Grid Connected RE System is installed in the 'Premises' as defined in para 2(m) of this policy, to generate electricity.
The result of the process of adding an RE System to the Network Service Provider.
Case-II In this case, generation of energy from Net Metered RE System exceeds such Premise’s energy requirement.