Rebate definition
Rebate shall have the same meaning as ascribed thereto in Article 10.3.4 of this Agreement;
Rebate means the amount payable by the Lender to a Borrower (as set forth in a Receipt) in connection with Securities loans at any time collateralized by Cash Collateral.
Rebate means those payment(s) made by the Program Administrator to Customers pursuant to the Program and these Terms and Conditions.
Examples of Rebate in a sentence
The District shall reduce the Medical Rebate to $350 as shown below: The “Medical Rebate” section shall be retitled “Cash In Lieu of Healthcare Benefits”.
Without limiting the foregoing, a Rebate Advance can be made, in the discretion of the Servicer, by a reduction or re-amortization of the Principal Balance of the applicable Receivable and may be included in any Servicer’s Certificate as a principal collection.
Rebate Advances can be delivered to the Obligors and reported in Servicer’s Certificates in any manner the Servicer may select in its discretion.
More Definitions of Rebate
Rebate means, with respect to a Precomputed Receivable and any date, the rebate, calculated in accordance with the actuarial method, under such Receivable that is or would be payable to the related Obligor for unearned finance charges or any other charges rebatable to the Obligor if such Obligor were to prepay such Receivable in full on such date.
Rebate means to pay, allow, or give, or offer to pay, allow or give, directly or indirectly, either as an inducement to procure insurance or after insurance has been procured, any benefit (including money, goods or services for which payment is usually made [except any service provided to fulfill an obligation of the Company under this Agreement]), discount, abatement, credit, or reduction of the premium named in the insurance policy and any other valuable consideration or inducement not specified in the policy.
Rebate means a partial return by an authorized proposition player of chips or money to a patron who has lost the chips or money to the authorized player through play in a controlled game at a gambling establishment.
Rebate means the amount payable by Chase on behalf of Lender to a Borrower in connection with Loans collateralized by Cash Collateral.
Rebate means any rebate by a PBI Obligor, electric distribution company, or state or local governmental authority or quasi-governmental agency as an inducement to install or use a PV System, paid upon such PV System receiving Permission to Operate.
Rebate shallhave thesame meaningasascribedtheretoin Article
Rebate means a formulary discount or remuneration attributable to the use of prescription drugs that is paid by a manufacturer or third party, directly or indirectly, to a pharmacy benefit manager after a claim has been adjudicated at a pharmacy. Rebate does not include a fee, including, but not limited to, a bona fide service fee or administrative fee, that is not a formulary discount or remuneration described in this subdivision.