Rebuilt Line 972 definition
Examples of Rebuilt Line 972 in a sentence
NYSEG shall be responsible for and shall make improvements to the State Street Substation to receive and accommodate the Proposed Line and Rebuilt Line 972.
NYSEG shall be responsible for and shall make improvements to the State Street Substation to receive and accommodate the Proposed Line and Rebuilt Line 972.
Rebuilt vehicle means any salvage vehicle which has been rebuilt and inspected for the purpose of registration and title;
Lot Line, Rear means the lot line farthest from or opposite to the front lot line.
Lot Line, Front means, in the case of an interior lot, the line dividing the lot from the street. In the case of a corner lot, the shorter lot line abutting a street shall be deemed the front lot line. In the case of a corner lot where the length of the lot lines abutting a street are equivalent, or there are three abutting streets the front lot line shall be deemed to be the lot line where the side of the garden intended to be the front entrance is located. In the case of a through lot, only one of the lot lines abutting a street shall be deemed to be the front lot line;
Repair facility Means any licensed automotive REPAIR FACILITY capable of performing repair services to a COVERED PART, approved by the ADMINISTRATOR, and at which YOU seek to acquire service under this CONTRACT.
generation facility means a facility for generating electricity or providing ancillary services, other than ancillary services provided by a transmitter or distributor through the operation of a transmission or distribution system, and includes any structures, equipment or other things used for that purpose;
Repair means the reconstruction, replacement, or renewal of any part of an existing building for the purpose of its maintenance or to correct damage.
Building, structure, facility, or installation means all of the pollutant-emitting activities which belong to the same industrial grouping, are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under the control of the same person (or persons under common control) except the activities of any vessel. Pollutant-emitting activities shall be considered as part of the same industrial grouping if they belong to the same major group (i.e., which have the same two-digit code) as described in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, as amended by the 1977 Supplement (U.S. Government Printing Office stock numbers 4101-0066 and 003-005-00176-0, respectively).
Rehabilitation facility means a facility that is operated for the primary purpose of assisting in the rehabilitation of disabled individuals by providing comprehensive medical evaluations and services, psychological and social services, or vocational evaluation and training or any combination of these services and in which the major portion of the services is furnished within the facility.
Reconstructed vehicle means every vehicle of a type required to be registered under this title
Cannabis cultivation facility means a person that:
Cannabis testing facility means an entity registered by
Automatic tabulating equipment means apparatus that automatically examines
Busy Line Verification (BLV) means a service whereby an End User requests an operator to confirm the busy status of a line.
Landing Gear means the installed main and nose landing gear, components and their associated actuators, side braces and parts.
Built-Up Area and/or “Covered Area” in relation to a Flat shall mean the floor area of that Flat including the area of balconies and terraces, if any attached thereto, and also the thickness of the walls (external or internal) and the columns and pillars therein Provided That if any wall, column or pillar be common between two Flats, then one-half of the area under such wall column or pillar shall be included in the built-up area of each such Flat.
Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities means System Upgrade Facilities that a Developer may construct without affecting day-to-day operations of the New York State Transmission System during their construction. NYISO, the Connecting Transmission Owner and the Developer must agree as to what constitutes Stand Alone System Upgrade Facilities and identify them in Appendix A to this Agreement.
Busy Line Verification (BLV) means a service whereby an End User requests an operator to confirm the busy status of a line.
Marijuana testing facility means an entity licensed to analyze and certify the safety and potency of marijuana.
Cogeneration facility means a power plant in which the heat or steam is also used for industrial or commercial heating or cooling purposes and that meets Federal Energy Regulatory Commission standards for qualifying facilities under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (16
Deactivation Avoidable Cost Credit means the credit paid to Generation Owners pursuant to Tariff, Part V, section 114.
Dry cleaning facility means a facility engaged in the cleaning of fabrics in an essentially nonaqueous solvent by means of one or more washes in solvent, extraction of excess solvent by spinning, and drying by tumbling in an airstream. The facility includes, but is not limited to, any washer, dryer, filter, and purification systems, waste disposal systems, holding tanks, pumps, and attendant piping and valves.
Engine degreaser means a cleaning product designed to remove grease, grime, oil and other contaminants from the external surfaces of engines and other mechanical parts.
Production facility means a facility in California at which gasoline or CARBOB is produced. Upon request of a producer, the executive officer may designate, as part of the producer's production facility, a physically separate bulk storage facility which (A) is owned or leased by the producer, and (B) is operated by or at the direction of the producer, and (C) is not used to store or distribute gasoline or CARBOB that is not supplied from the production facility.
Marijuana cultivation facility means an entity licensed to cultivate, prepare, and package marijuana and sell marijuana to retail marijuana stores, to marijuana product manufacturing facilities, and to other marijuana cultivation facilities, but not to consumers.
Credit allowance date means with respect to any qualified equity investment:
Transit-oriented facility means a facility that houses a transit station in a manner that promotes transit ridership or passenger rail use.