Reclamation site definition

Reclamation site means a location used for the processing or the storage of recycled waste.
Reclamation site means drastically disturbed land that is reclaimed. This includes, but is not limited to, strip mines and construction sites.
Reclamation site means drastically disturbed land that is reclaimed using sewage sludge. This includes sites such as strip mines and construction sites.

Examples of Reclamation site in a sentence

  • Identify the type of land application site from among the following: Agricultural land Reclamation site Forest Public contact site Other.

  • Reclamation site visits were conducted jointly by NDPSC project managers and OSMRE staff.

  • Access to the La Collette Reclamation site is from La Route du Veule via private road.

  • Th is i n cl u des, b u t is n o t li m i t ed t o, p u blic p ar k s, b a ll fields, ce m e t e r ies, pl an t nur se r ies, t urf far m s, an d golfco ur ses.( m ) Range la nd is ope n l an d wi t h i n- dige n o u s vege t a t io n .( n) Reclamation site is d ra s t ic a ll y dis- t ur bed l an d t ha t is r ecl a i m ed u si n g sew a ge sl u dge.

  • Out of this 62% of the area has been developed as Green Belt which is just double the green belt development target of National Forest Policy.• In compliance to the direction given by Member Secretary-UPPCB, vide letter GOOO691/Miyawaki/2021 dated 22.09.2021, Grasim Unit has completed Miyawaki Plantation at its Fly Ash Reclamation site.

More Definitions of Reclamation site

Reclamation site means a biosolids application site consisting of drastically disturbed land that is reclaimed using biosolids, such as strip mines and construction sites.
Reclamation site means a biosolids residuals application site consisting of drastically disturbed land that is reclaimed using biosolids residuals, such as strip mines and construction sites.
Reclamation site means drastically disturbed land that is being reclaimed. This may include, but is not limited to, strip mines and construction sites.
Reclamation site means same as a "marginal land."
Reclamation site means a facility compliant with local, state and federal regulation used for the processing or the storage of reclaimed material. Reclamation sites do not include locations or facilities where wastes are initially generated, such as businesses, construction sites or demolition sites;
Reclamation site means drastically disturbed land that is reclaimed using sewage sludge or a product derived from sewage sludge. This includes, but is not limited to, strip mines and construction sites.
Reclamation site means drastically disturbed land that is reclaimed using domestic sep- tage as in strip mine and construction sites.