Examples of Red tag in a sentence
Red tag items are those that must be removed prior to flight or environmental testing.
Please note that in some cases the reason for a Red tag may be that the building is not to be entered or used until an inspection is completed to assess the appropriate tagging.
The annual fee for a conveyance in "Red tag" status is $((33.20)) 34.80.
Submit notice that all protected plants have been tagged in the field in conformance with Section 46-116 of the Scottsdale Revised Code.:• White tag for plants remaining in place.• Red tag for plants being relocated/removed.• Blue tag for plants that are non salvageable.The independently hired native plant salvage contractor will be responsible for tagging each plant accordingly.
Red tag means DO NOT USE; Yellow Tag means section of scaffold does not meet OSHA standards and Green Tag means SAFE FOR USE.