Region 1 definition
Examples of Region 1 in a sentence
See the most current annual DMR instructions which can be found on the EPA Region 1 website at for further important details on alternate dilution water substitution requests.
Each Contractor will only be concerned with their particular region (i.e., if the Delivery Origin is in Region 1, the only row that will be utilized is the first one).
See the most current annual DMR instructions which can be found on the EPA Region 1 website at for further important details on alternate dilution water substitution requests.
EPA Region 1 requires tests be performed using four replicates of each control and effluent concentration because the non-parametric statistical tests cannot be used with data from fewer replicates.
There are three categories of Critical Habitat in the Highlands Region: 1) Critical Wildlife Habitat (habitat for rare, threatened or endangered animal species); 2) Significant Natural Areas (regionally significant ecological communities, including habitat for documented threatened and endangered plant species); and 3) vernal pools (confined, ephemeral wet depressions that support distinctive, and often endangered, species that are specially adapted to periodic extremes in water pool levels).