Regional Councils definition
Examples of Regional Councils in a sentence
There shall be joint Provincial / Regional Councils and a joint council for Northern Ireland.
If Institution’s subscription qualifies it as a member, Institution permits OCLC Member Relations to contact its library staff directly in separate communications, to provide new member information regarding voting and updates, Member groups, councils, and events, for OCLC Global and Regional Councils specific to Institution’s region.
Attention is drawn to Armidale Regional Council's policy that smoking is not permitted in any part of the building.
No. 12314, July 22, 1981, 46 F.R. 38329, which established Federal Regional Councils, was revoked by Ex. Ord.
This subset of variables, denoted as X1t, has cross-sectional dimension of N1 = 105 variables.11 After standardization, we analyze outliers using the procedure in Kristensen (2014).
Infrastructure Loans for Regional Councils of GovernmentAn educational service center serving as a fiscal agent for a regional council of governments can enter into agreements with the governing body of one or more member governments to lend money to improve infrastructure within the member’s territory.
No. 12149, July 20, 1979, 44 F.R. 43247, which established Federal Regional Councils, was revoked by section 4(b) of Ex. Ord.
The information provided in this section may be used in the Authority‟s public register of substances required under Section 20 of the HSNO Act.This summary information will be used to provide information for those people and agencies (eg Ministry for the Environment, Department of Conservation, Regional Councils, etc), who will be notified of the application, and for potential submitters who request information.
Neither the Union nor any Local Unions or Regional Councils are responsible for such implementation or maintenance.
The potential market for the IRIS application is New Zealand Regional Councils and Unitary Authorities.