Examples of Regional Partnership Board in a sentence
In addition to the provisions above the Board must set out, the relationships and accountabilities with others, such as the Regional Partnership Board.
The Regional Partnership Board is responsible for designing and implementing arrangements to ensure the partnership bodies work effectively together.
Kause J, Smith G, Prytherch D, Parr M, Flabouris A, Hillman K,et al.
Officers, organisations or individuals will be invited to attend as required, or may be co-opted to be members of the Regional Partnership Board as appropriate.
The Western Bay Regional Partnership Board leads on the planning and use of the funding, as well as ensuring delivery, to maximise outcomes for people and the effective and efficient use of resources.
This draft Area Plan has been developed by the Regional Partnership Board through engagement with citizens, partners and providers across the region (Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport and Torfaen).
We have developed a regional ‘Value-Based’ Provider Forum to ensure the views of local partners are central to the work of the Regional Partnership Board.
The Regional Partnership Board has authority to establish short life working groups which are time limited to focus on a specific matter of advice or assurance as determined by the Partnership Board.
This is done via the Regional Partnership Board, and the publication of an ‘Area Plan’ detailing the agreed ‘partnership activity’.
From April 2016, there was a requirement under Part 9 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act for the establishment of a statutory Regional Partnership Board (RPB).