Examples of Regular budget in a sentence
Regular budget / outturn reports for revenue and capital were presented to and approved by Cabinet during the year.
Regular budget monitoring reports will continue to come to Cabinet and be considered by the Directors Board and management teams in order to maintain effective controls on expenditure during this period of enhanced risk.
Regular budget monitoring forms part of the corporate governance arrangements that support all Council priorities.
Regular budget monitoring reports continue to come to Cabinet and be considered by the Directors Board and management teams in order to maintain effective controls on expenditure during this period of enhanced risk.
Regular budget monitoring is an important financial control to ensure that spending during the year is in line with budgets agreed by the Council.
Regular budget reports will be provided to inform Members on the emerging issues.
Regular budget monitoring reports will be presented to Regional Cabinet to ensure that any budget management issues that may arise, are highlighted at an early stage and appropriate actions is taken.
Regular budget monitoring is required by the Council’s Constitution and Financial Rules.
Regular budget monitoring reports will be presented to the Cardiff Capital Region Joint Cabinet during the year so that any budget management issues can be highlighted and the appropriate action taken.
Regular budget monitoring reports will continue to come to Cabinet and be considered by the Directors’ Board and management teams in order to maintain effective controls on expenditure.