regular services means services which provide for the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, passengers being picked up and set down at predetermined stopping points;
regular services means services which provide for the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, passengers being taken up and set down at predetermined stopping points, and which are open to all, subject, where appropriate, to compulsory reservation.
regular services means services which provide for the carriage of passengers and their luggage according to a given frequency and along specified routes, whereby passengers may be taken up or set down during a journey at predetermined stopping points. Regular services are subject to the obligation to respect previously established timetables.
Examples of regular services in a sentence
Regular services are provided by an external optometry service and hearing services are accessed as needed.
Regular services shall be open to all, subject, where appropriate, to compulsory reservation.
Regular services may be subject to the obligation to respect previously established timetables and tariffs.
Regular services hours must be scheduled by the Athletic Director and be performed by the Athletic Director.
Regular services are held and local ministers or ordained staff members of the University, representing the different denominations, are invited to lead these services.
More Definitions of regular services
regular services means services which provide for the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, passengers being taken up and set down at predetermined stopping points. Regular services shall be open to all, subject, where appropriate, to compulsory reservation.
regular services means religious services that are conduc- ted on a routine and systematic basis at prearranged times, days, and places. This term includes religious services that are conducted by a visiting or circuit clergy person who may only hold services once a month in a particular location if that person is scheduled to conduct services on a routine and prearranged basis on the exempt property.
regular services means a series of passenger ship crossings operated so as to serve traffic between the same two or more ports, or a series of voyages from and to the same port without intermediate calls, either:
regular services means services which provide for the carriage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, either without intermediate stopping points or with passengers being picked up and set down at predetermined stopping points;”;
regular services means passenger transport services supplied at specified frequency along specified routes, whereby passengers may be picked up and set down at predetermined stopping points.
regular services means services which provide for the car- riage of passengers at specified intervals along specified routes, passengers being picked up and set down at predeter- mined stopping points;
regular services has the meaning set forth in Section 4.9(a) of this Agreement. “Rule 10A-3(b)(2)” means Rule 10A-3(b)(2) (or any successor rule to similar effect) promulgated under the Exchange Act.