Regular Work Permit definition

Regular Work Permit or "Work Permit" means a work permit issued pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 19912 for a period of no more than two years.
Regular Work Permit means any card, certificate, or permit issued by the Commission

Examples of Regular Work Permit in a sentence

  • Although a Fund intends to purchase or sell futures only on exchanges or boards of trade where there appear to be active secondary markets, there is no assurance that a liquid secondary market on any exchange or board of trade will exist for any particular contract or at any particular time.

  • To be completed by parent, guardian or legal custodianI, the parent, guardian or legal custodian of the above-named minor, request the issuance of an employment certificate as indicated below: (Please select only one) Regular Work Permit Vacation Work Permit Theatrical Work PermitPlease print address below:Telephone Number: Signature of Parent, Guardian, or Legal Custodian: Date: C.

  • Default Decision and Order In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Initial Regular Work Permit for Steve Hodge, (CGCC-2018-0906) RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION ADJOURNMENTIMPORTANT NOTICES TO THE PUBLIC:Public comments on agenda items will be taken at the time the specific item is raised.

  • In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Initial Regular Work Permit for Eduardo Jesus Martinez, (CGCC-2019-0221-9)C.

  • Default Decision and Order In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Initial Regular Work Permit for Carrie Lea Rabener, (CGCC-2021-0311-12) Comments Received From:Kate Patterson, Staff Counsel, Gambling Control Commission Action:Upon motion of Commissioner Heins, seconded by Commissioner Yee, and carried in a vote by roll call with Chair LaBrie, Commissioner Galgiani, Commissioner Heins, and Commissioner Yee, voting yes; the Commission approved the Default Decision and Order.

  • Default Decision and Order In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Initial Regular Work Permit for Thea Bun, (CGCC-2018-0524-1) Comments Received From:Yolanda Morrow, Assistant Director, Bureau of Gambling Control, in person Staff Counsel Pope announced items 14A-14F.Chairman Evans also called upon each applicant again to ensure none one was on the line or in attendance in-person.

  • Regular Work Permit: Current fee $155, subject to change - Must have work permit in order to work in Canada.- When renewing the work permit, must provide evidence of renewal of permit before old permit expires.

  • The increase in agricultural production will be achieved mainly through improved output following the adoption of agricultural best practices, the reduction of post-harvest losses, better water management, and moderate use of fertilisers and phyto-sanitary products.

  • In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Initial Regular Work Permit for Lippine Nop, (CGCC-2016-0526-7A) ADJOURNMENT:Chairman Evans adjourned the Commission meeting at 11:20 AM.

  • Default Decision and Order In the Matter of the Application for Approval of Initial Regular Work Permit for Mindy Somneang Or, (CGCC-2019-0411-5A).

Related to Regular Work Permit

  • work permit shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.21(e).

  • construction work permit means a document issued in terms of regulation 3; "contractor" means an employer who performs construction work;

  • Regular license means a license issued to a child care organization indicating that the organization is in substantial compliance with all rules promulgated under this act and, if there is a deficiency, has entered into a corrective action plan.

  • Proposed permit means a VSMP permit prepared after the close of the public comment period (and, when applicable, any public hearing and administrative appeals) that is sent to EPA for review before final issuance. A proposed permit is not a draft permit.

  • Development Permit means a document authorizing a development issued pursuant to this Land Use Bylaw;

  • Floodplain Development Permit means any type of permit that is required in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance, prior to the commencement of any development activity.

  • Title V operating permit means a permit issued under Chapter 3745-77 of the Administrative Code.

  • Final permit means the version of a permit issued by the Department that has completed all review procedures required by Chapter 14, and for a Class I permit, Chapter 13.

  • Required Permits shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.24.

  • Regular Shipper means (i) a Committed Shipper, and (ii) a Shipper that has Actual Shipments in each of the twelve months of the Base Period. A Regular Shipper described in clause (ii) ceases to be a Regular Shipper if it has no Actual Shipments for one or more months out of the Base Period, and thereafter, that Shipper will be treated as a New Shipper unless and until it meets Regular Shipper criteria.

  • Parking Permit means a permit issued by the Council to residents allowing the parking of a vehicle in a residents parking bay on the highway within the area of the Council but not including a disabled person’s “purple badge” issued pursuant to Section 21 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970

  • Building Permit means a permit for the construction of one or more Units, issued by the City, or other public agency in the event the City no longer issues said permits for the construction of Units within CFD No. 11. For purposes of this definition, "Building Permits" shall not include permits for construction or installation of commercial/industrial structures, parking structures, retaining walls, and utility improvements not intended for human habitation.

  • Governmental Approval is any consent, authorization, approval, order, license, franchise, permit, certificate, accreditation, registration, filing or notice, of, issued by, from or to, or other act by or in respect of, any Governmental Authority.

  • Individual permit means a permit issued to a named permittee under section 22a-430 of the General Statutes.

  • Right-of-Way Permit means either the excavation permit or the obstruction permit, or both, depending on the context, required by this chapter.

  • Construction permit is defined in Section 4.