Examples of Regulation 2017/625 in a sentence
This does not rule out the delegation of certain control tasks, inter alia sampling, as long as this delegation is in accordance with Articles 28 and following of Regulation 2017/625.
The performance of TVIs in terms of how they carry out the Official Controls allocated to them by the Official Veterinarian will be assessed by DAFM as the Competent Authority and as required under the Hygiene Package and Regulation 2017/625.
Commission Regulation 669/2009 implements Regulation 882/2004 as regards the increased level of official controls on imports of certain feed and food of non-animal origin.Regulations 854/2004 and 882/2004 will be repealed by European Parliament and Council Regulation 2017/625 on December 14, 2019.
The Authority will take cognisance in its audit programmes of internal audits performed by the Official Agency as required by Article 6 of EU Regulation 2017/625.
The performance of TVIs in terms of how they carry out the Official Controls allocated to them by the Official Veterinarian will be assessed by DAFM as the Competent Authority and as required by the ‘Hygiene Package’ and incoming under Regulation 2017/625 as appropriate, relevant Implementing and Delegated Acts, and any required corrective action will be undertaken by the TVI.
Low and very low risk establishments continue to be included within scope of the modernised FHDM as Retained (EU) Regulation 2017/625 on official controls do not permit an indefinite absence of official controls nor the removal of low-risk businesses from planned intervention programmes.
It contains:o definitions (of food, food business operator, and other terms),o basic principles – FBO responsibility for food safety,o traceability requirements.• Official controls The Official Controls Regulation (OCR) – Retained Regulation 2017/625 - harmonises rules for the performance of official controls and other official activities undertaken by the CA to ensure food and feed safety, including animal health and animal welfare.
Implementation of flexibilities under the existing legislative framework (changes consistent with the Official Controls Regulation 2017/625) including: o PMI inspection in low-capacity establishmentso Representative postmortem inspection (PMI) sampling in Poultry slaughterhouses (trial) • Digital Approvals – This will allow operators applying for approval to operate to submit an application and supporting evidence to the FSA digitally.
Of the 7 operational staff in the Commercial Team, 3 are Environmental Health Officers (EHO’s) who hold qualifications in accordance with the Food Law-Code of Practice (England) document and meet the requirements laid down in EU Regulation 2017/625 and are competent to undertake the full range of enforcement duties.
As regard gelatine originating from other animals such as cattle, the EU informed Egypt that a file must be submitted on the basis of article 125 of Regulation 2017/625 and that no monitoring plan of residues will have to be submitted.Automotive sector Egypt stressed the importance of strengthening and deepening its automotive manufacturing sector as an important pillar of the government agenda.