Examples of Regulation Changes in a sentence
Regulation Changes are provided at no additional cost, provided that, in the case of transactions passed to SHIFT4’s GATEWAY via Third-Party Interfaces, incorrect information provided by the Third-Party POS/PMS or Merchant’s Processor could raise interchange or processing fees.
We also posted a Summary of Regulation Changes and Summary By-law documents, which provided a user-friendly, high-level review of key changes to the governing documents for easy reference.
Planning and Priorities Committee Professor Watt said the Senate Planning and Priorities Committee (SPPC) had met on March 29, 2021, to consider the Report of the Faculty Council of Graduate Studies on Course, Curriculum and Regulation Changes concerning a proposal for a Master of Arts in Music Research.
Since Regulation Changes are communicated only to Merchant’s MSP or Merchant’s Credit Card Processor, if Merchant is made aware of those changes, Merchant is required to notify SHIFT4.
Federal Regulation Changes - Agency shall at all times comply with all applicable FTA regulations, policies, procedures and directives,including without limitation those listed directly or by reference in the current FTA Master Agreement between the Tri-State Transit Authority and FTA, as they may be amended or promulgated from time to time during the term of this Project.
Further, Altice and Verizon should enhance and improve their reimbursement policies to cover outages of all services, including internet, television, and phone services, whenever a customer experiences a service outage, regardless of the cause of the outage.Telecommunications Regulation Changes Broadband InternetSenator Shelley Mayer said, “One of residents’ biggest frustrations is a sense that utilities, and especially telecommunications companies, are not held accountable for their poor service.
Doc: CHRIS/13/20C - Chart Carriage Regulation Changes to Recognize ECDIS In the absence of any USA delegate, the Chairman introduced the above paper reporting that the U.S. Coast Guard had begun the process of amending the chart carriage regulations to recognize ECDIS in United States waters.
Assignments Made at WACH WG MeetingDecember 16-17, 2015 Proposed Regulation Changes related to Wildlife Harvest and Management• Staff to work with the Chair to submit comment to BOG in opposition to proposal 73.• Staff to prepare errata sheet for Table 1, to insert in 2011 WAH Cooperative ManagementPlan.
That based on Report CS-12-16, ‘Proposed Parking Regulation Changes on Woodmount Drive between Ritson Road North and Ormond Drive’ dated January 31, 2012, Traffic By-law 79-99, as amended, be further amended to prohibit parking on both sides of Woodmount Drive between Ritson Road North and Ormond Drive; and, 2.
Tons of Trash, Yard Waste, and Food Scraps Curbside Material Collected TPY = Tons per year TPD = Tons per day Context of Waste Ban and Composting Regulation Changes in MassachusettsThe MA Draft Solid Waste Master Plan includes a goal for the commercial waste stream, to divert 35% of food from disposal by 2020, or 350,000 additional tons per year.