Reimbursement report definition
Examples of Reimbursement report in a sentence
Program income must be reported to the GRANTEE through the Cost Reimbursement report and must be expended prior to any requesting any contract funds for reimbursement.
This issue is negatively impacting the neediest adult and pediatric populations in our state.It is recommended that upon immediate receipt of the DCH Reimbursement report (December 30, 2022), a small study is completed in partnership with a diverse group of representatives from the provider community to determine if the suggested rate increases will create an impact.
Leveraged funds are to be reported to DWS through the Cost Reimbursement report and be tracked and quantifiable within the GRANTEE’S accounting records.
Because the issues identified in the SACGHS Coverage and Reimbursement report are relevant to issues in this report, SACGHS urges HHS to act on the Coverage and Reimbursement report’s recommendations.
HR Committee met this month and reviewed the Worker’s Compensation monthly report and the Tuition Reimbursement report for FY 2011 and FY 2010.
Once the report has been approved by the department head, the Request for Authorization (Auditor already has the form) and the Necessary Expense/Travel/Mileage Reimbursement report shall be forwarded or submitted to the Auditor, in a timely manner, for review, approval, and payment.
The final Request for Reimbursement report must be submitted by November 30th following the end of each Federal Fiscal Year ended September 30th.
ACTION: FOR INFORMATIONDATE: December 1, 2021PUBLIC SUBJECT:2021 CONTINUING EDUCATION STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2019-2021Strategic Theme: Our Members & Our Inclusive WorkplaceGoal: 3 - Improved member recognition, succession planning and career development opportunitiesPrepared by:Sharon Baiden Chief Administrative OfficerRecommended by: Paul Pedersen Chief of Police RECOMMENDATION: THAT the Greater Sudbury Police Services Board received the 2021 Continuing Education Tuition Reimbursement report for information.
Complete a Travel Expense Reimbursement report to account for travel-related expenditures when air travel or an overnight stay is involved.
Leveraged funds are to be reported to DWS through the Cost Reimbursement report and be tracked and quantifiable within the GRANTEE’S accounting records.Department of Workforce Services Attachment BScope of Work Objective:The Department of Workforce Services (DWS) utilizes State of Utah General Funds for Refugee Community Based Organizations (RCBO) to assist refugee communities with integration and self-sufficiency.