Examples of Relevant Government Departments in a sentence
These may include:• City of Lincoln Council – Revenues & Benefits, Planning & Building Control• Lincolnshire County Council – Adult Social Care or Children’s Services• Lincolnshire Home Independence Agency or other Agencies appointed by applicants• Relevant Government Departments The Council is under a duty to protect public funds and may use the information provided for the prevention and detection of fraud.
External Liaison: Relevant Government Departments and Agencies, neighbouring councils, clients, customers, contractors, user groups including parent advisory groups, schools and other external stakeholders and networks as necessary.
The Draft Basic Assessment Report will be compiled and submitted to the Relevant Authority as well as being made available to all the Relevant Government Departments, Organs of State and the Registered Interested & Affected Parties (I&AP’s), as part of the EIA process.
Recommendation : Relevant Government Departments and Agencies & Financial Institutions.
Relevant Government Departments and agencies were consulted during the preparation of the Restructure Review Report, including: EPA Goulburn Murray Water Department of Sustainability & Environment Department of Primary Industries North Central Catchment Management Authority (NCCMA) VicRoads CFA The above were advised of the preparation of the Restructure Plans and any additional information provided as a result of this is noted in this present report.
Relevant Government Departments, Financial Institutions (Commercial Banks, MFBs, MFIs, Other FIs), Business Support Organizations, Business Intermediary Organizations, staff from all core partners /partner organizations and relevant community and business forums.
Importance of Capacity Development in Relevant Government Departments: The Government and the public sector are important players in the CDM process in Bangladesh.
The Draft BAR will be sent to all the Relevant Government Departments and Organs of State and I&AP’s by registered mail – see Appendix 3, as listed.
Relevant Government Departments for example Prime Minister’s Panel on Regulatory Accountability were also consulted throughout and their agreement to the proposals was obtained by early 2005.
Each of the Participants shall be free to disclose the terms of this Agreement to the Scottish Futures Trust and to Relevant Government Departments.