Examples of Remainder Parcel in a sentence
Designated Remainder Parcel That portion of an existing parent parcel which the boundaries of which are not depicted on a subdivision map, which remains undivided, and is not included as part of a subdivision for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing.
A minor annexation of the 10.4-acre South Bollinger Canyon Road Remainder Parcel was approved by the DV GHAD Board on February 28, 2012 through Resolution DV GHAD No. 2012-04.
The provisions of this Section shall survive termination of this Agreement or the Replacement Parcel Closing and the Remainder Parcel Closing.
Minimize the intrusion of subdivision infrastructure on the Remainder Parcel.1. To the extent practicable, infrastructure shall be positioned so that they do not traverse or significantly damage the qualities of the Remainder Parcel.
We assume three factors—skilled labor, unskilled labor, capital—as mobile across the sectors, and one factor as specific to the skilled-labor intensive sector.