Residential Uses Sample Clauses
Residential Uses. Commencing from the date of Closing and continuing for a period of fifty-five (55) years from Conversion (the “Covenant Period”), Developer on behalf of itself and its successors, assigns, and each successor in interest to Developer’s interest in the Property or any part thereof, hereby covenants and agrees as follows:
(1) All of the Affordable Units shall be available to Low Income, Very Low Income, and Extremely Low Income households at an Affordable Rent in accordance with the Schedule of Affordable Rents attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference.
(2) A minimum of seven (7) of the Affordable Units shall be designated as Supportive Housing Units.
(3) The maximum incomes of all tenants eligible to rent an Affordable Unit shall be determined on the basis of the Area Median Income for San Diego County.
(4) Developer agrees that among Low Income, Very Low Income, and Extremely Low Income households who are otherwise eligible to rent an Affordable Unit, Developer shall, subject to applicable regulations of federal and state fair housing, TCAC, and the Internal Revenue Service, and HCD requirements, give preferences to applicants, as follows:
(i) applicants meeting the eligibility requirements for Supportive Housing Units as defined in Section 102 of the DDA, requiring an individual or household with an individual that is homeless or at risk of homelessness, has Extremely Low Income and may also have special needs for supportive services, shall be given first priority for the Supportive Housing Units;
(ii) applicants who have been displaced by any redevelopment project within the City of San Diego shall be given priority over other applicants meeting the same eligibility requirements; and
(iii) among Low Income, Very Low Income, and Extremely Low Income households who are otherwise eligible to rent a Supportive Housing Unit, Developer shall, subject to applicable regulation of federal and state fair housing, TCAC, and the Internal Revenue Service, make reasonable efforts to give priority to those individuals who are verified to have experienced unsheltered homelessness within any Redevelopment Project Area within one (1) year of application over other eligible persons.
(5) Developer agrees that prior to the initial rent-up of the Affordable Units, subject to Section 401(c)(4) of the DDA, Developer shall consult with and obtain the approval of the City in developing a fair housing marketing plan for renting the Affordable Units an...
Residential Uses. The Developer is providing a variety of lot sizes in order to accommodate a mix of housing types and to attract a diversity of income levels and households. Developer shall be entitled to subdivide, construct, develop, market, sell and improve the following types of residential building lots and on approximately 80.45 acres substantially as shown on the Preliminary Plat/PUD Map attached hereto as Exhibit B:
a. One hundred thirty-five (135) single family residential building lots with a minimum size of 8,000 square feet (the Single-Family Lots) for detached single family homes;
b. Nine (9) single family “cottage” lots with a minimum lot size of 5,000 square feet (the Cottage Lots”) for detached single family homes;
c. Forty-Three (43) townhome lots with a minimum size of 3,000 square feet (the “Townhome Lots”) for attached or detached residential townhomes;
d. Forty-eight (48) multi-family four-plex lots (the “Four-plex Lots”) with a minimum size of five-thousand square feet (5,000 sf) with a maximum lot coverage of sixty percent (60%)for residential four-plex buildings; and
e. Four
Residential Uses. To the extent any new construction is residential in nature, the Owner agrees that pursuant to and compliant with the Fair Housing Amendments Act and any other applicable governing state, local and federal statutes and regulations, the design and marketing for such units will be market rate and not be geared towards undergraduate college students; and that Drexel will not designate such units as Drexel Approved Housing.
Residential Uses. The development is hereby approved for up to 30 single-family attached or detached units.
Residential Uses. Accessory dwelling unit A A A A A A A Family care home P P P P P Group homes - handicapped/disabled 8 persons or fewer (see Sec. 18.04.130) P P P P P Group homes - handicapped/disabled > 9 persons C C C C C Group homes, other C C C C C Home occupation (see Sec. 18.04.140) A A A A A Live/Work dwelling P Manufactured Housing P P P P P Multi-family dwelling P P Single-family dwelling, detached P P P P P Two-family dwelling P P CMRS facility; building or structure-mounted (see Sec. 18.04.325) P P P P CMRS facility; freestanding (see Sec. 18.04.320) C Land Use PRD-2 PRD-4 PRD-6 PRD-10 PCD PID PMD CMRS facility; roof mounted (see Sec. 18.04.330) P P P CMRS facility; small cell or microcell facility (see Sec. 18.04.360) P P P P P P P CMRS facility; small cell network (see Sec. 18.04.360) P P P P P P P Essential services P P P P P P P Essential services by special review C C C C C C C Solar energy system, accessory A A A A A A A Solar energy system, large C Solar energy system, small C P C Transit center P P Accessory uses (see Sec. 18.03.340) A A A A A A A Mixed-use P
Residential Uses. Commencing from the date of recordation of this Agreement and continuing for a period of fifty-five (55) years (the “Covenant Period”), Commission on behalf of itself and its successors, assigns, and each successor in interest to Commission’s interest in the Properties or any part thereof, hereby covenants and agrees as follows:
(1) All of the Affordable Units shall be available to Low Income households at an Affordable Rent in accordance with California Redevelopment Law (CRL).
(2) The maximum incomes of all tenants eligible to rent an Affordable Unit shall be determined on the basis of the Area Median Income for San Diego County.
(3) City and its respective successors and assigns, shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor and enforce the covenants contained herein. Commission covenants that it shall comply with any monitoring program set up by City to enforce said covenants. In complying with such monitoring program, Commission or its agent shall prepare and submit to City upon its request an occupancy report, financial information and initial occupancy income verification documents for each tenant of an Affordable Unit, and all supporting documentation, on forms provided by Commission, annually, setting forth the required information for the preceding year. City shall review such reports within 14 days of receipt for certification of continuing affordability of the Affordable Units and eligibility of tenants.
(4) No officer, employee, agent, official or consultant of Commission may occupy any of the Affordable Units with the exception of the Commission’s property manager or maintenance staff person.
(5) The Properties shall continue to be low income units affordable to households at or below 80% of area median income at initial occupancy (defined as being affordable to and occupied by households earning 80% or less of area median income for the San Diego Statistical Metropolitan Area at initial occupancy, as calculated and adjusted for household size from time to time by HUD or any successor thereto).
Residential Uses. Residential use are not permitted on the street level floor, except for residential lobbies. All residential uses shall comply with Sign Category A. Institutional uses shall comply with Sign Category B. Commercial uses shall comply with Sign Category E. Figure 5: Urban Flex District Standards Civic Mixed Use Table 4 specifies permitted uses for this zone. Table 4: Civic Mixed Use District Use Table Commercial P Institutional P Residential P Industrial NP Automotive Service Station Vehicle Service Station Sale, service, storage, and/or rental of motor vehicles, sailboats, motor boats, and recreational trailers Drive-through facilities All residential uses shall comply with Sign Category A. Institutional uses shall comply with Sign Category B. Commercial uses shall comply with Sign Category E. Figure 6: Civic Mixed Use District Standards
Residential Uses. Under the proposed Stage I development agreement, single unit dwellings, two unit dwellings and townhouse dwellings are required to comply with the same setback and height requirements as already required in the LUB. The lot requirements for single unit dwellings are varied to allow for smaller lots and in the case of properties which will have frontage along Tremont Drive, to allow for flag lots. Although the location of the townhouse blocks are to be reviewed under the requirements of the Land Use By-law, the proposed Stage I development agreement sets out design requirements such as providing variety amongst units and the types of building materials to be permitted. To enable a transition between the proposed higher density types of development and existing lower density neighbourhoods, multiple unit dwelling developments are to be located along Dunbrack Street and the proposed extension of Knightsridge Drive and Wentworth Drive. The proposed Stage I development agreement includes criteria to be reviewed when considering the development of multiple unit dwellings. The criteria includes a mix of building materials and architectural treatments to break up the massing and the height of the building. Multiple unit dwellings that are located along Knightsridge Drive and Wentworth Drive are required to have townhouse style units at the base of each building, in order to provide a higher level of building articulation along the street level and to create a more pedestrian friendly environment. Ground floor units in the multiple unit dwellings may be used for local business uses to provide services for those who live in the area.
Residential Uses. CT6, LLC contemplates pursuing a single-family detached subdivision within the residential portion of the Master Plan. If CT6, LLC later decides to pursue approval of attached housing units, not including apartments, which are already approved as part of the Master Plan, any modified standards applicable to the attached housing project, including setback requirements, will be documented through a memorandum of understanding between the City and CT6, LLC, and will not require an amendment to the Master Plan or this Development Agreement.
6.1.1 Single-family lots shall be a minimum of 3,500 square feet in size.
6.1.2 Buildings within single-family subdivisions must comply with the setback requirements for the R-2 zone except that for corner lots, in lieu of meeting those setback requirements, CT6, LLC must follow the minimum sight distance triangle and fencing requirements in Section 4.12 Sight Obstruction of the City’s development regulations and public works standards. Sight distance triangles shall be shown on building permit drawings for buildings on the corner lots to ensure that sight distance requirements are met with the proposed building placement.
6.1.3 Single-wide mobile homes for residential use are not allowed on the Property, individually or in a mobile home park. A single-wide mobile home means a structure designed for residential use, up to 14 feet wide, transportable in one or more sections, that is built on a permanent chassis and designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when attached to the required utilities. The term mobile home does not include a recreational vehicle or a manufactured or modular home built on a permanent foundation that does not meet the definition of single-wide mobile home.
6.1.4 A public park shall be dedicated with residential development. The park shall be sized at a ratio of one acre per 750 residents (mini park as defined in the Castle Rock Park and Recreation Plan, adopted 2022) anticipated in the development. The number of persons within the proposed residential development shall be calculated at the rate of 3 persons per household. Using the foregoing ratios, the required park allocation will be set according to the projected population. The park shall be developed with lawn, landscape, irrigation (if needed), fencing, at least one picnic shelter with picnic table meeting ADA requirements and standards, and an adequate playground that satisfies the needs of pre-school and upper primary aged chil...
Residential Uses. For a period of fifty-five (55) years commencing from the Occupancy Date (“the Covenant Period”), Owner on behalf of itself and its successors, assigns, and each successor in interest to Owner’s interest in the Property or any part thereof, hereby covenants and agrees as follows:
1. All of the Eligible Residential Units shall be available to Extremely Low Income households at an Affordable Rent in accordance with the Schedule of Affordable Rents attached to Exhibit “B” of the Agreement Affecting Real Property (Attachment No. 6).
2. The maximum incomes of all tenants eligible to rent an Eligible Residential Unit shall be determined on the basis of the Area Median Income for San Diego County.