Examples of Renaissance zone in a sentence
Renaissance zone property is tax abated property against which property taxes are not currently levied, but in the near future will return or revert to the ad valorem tax rolls.
Renaissance zone business or investment income exemption (Attach Schedule RZ) 2 3.
The size of the zone is dependent upon the size of the city applying for the Renaissance zone.
The securities regulation contains a rule which requires that the same terms are offered to all shareholders of the target company if a takeover offer is made.
Other subtractions See the instructions to Schedule ND-1SA for information about the following:• Renaissance zone income exemption• New or expanding business income exemption• Human organ donor deduction• Employee workforce recruitmentexclusion• Stillborn child deduction• National Guard or reserve memberexclusion• College expense reimbursement deductionEnter on this line the total subtractions from Schedule ND-1SA, line 8.
Notwithstanding the requirements of § 34-201(a)(1)a., the applicant for any action requiring a public hearing must sign a statement, under oath, that he is the owner or the authorized representative of the owner(s) of the property and that he has full authority to secure the approval(s) requested and to impose covenants and restrictions on the referenced property as a result of the action approved by the town in accordance with this code.
GRANTS 25 At-risk student success program.....................$ 3,322,80026 Renaissance zone tax reimbursement funding..........
Renaissance zone tax reimbursement funding..........................................................................................
The itemized statement below identifies appropriations from which spending to local units of government will occur: Operations$275,104,700 At-risk student success program3,322,700 Renaissance zone tax reimbursement program 2,900,000 TOTAL$281,327,400 Sec.
HB 1166 – Renaissance zone income exemptionOne of the tax incentives under the Renaissance Zone Program is a five-year exemption from income tax for purchasing, rehabilitating, leasing, or making leasehold improvements to residential or commercial real estate, or to public utility infrastructure, used for business or investment purposes.