Examples of Renewable diesel fuel in a sentence
Renewable diesel fuel is chemically indistinguishable from conventional petroleum diesel fuel, and is not considered an ADF.
In considering whether lack of ac- cess to a network element materially diminishes a requesting carrier’s abil- ity to provide service, the Commission shall consider the extent to which al- ternatives in the market are available as a practical, economic, and oper- ational matter.
Renewable diesel fuel can be produced from the same feedstocks as biodiesel; animal fats and vegetable oils.
Renewable diesel fuel shall meet the specifications set forth in ASTM International Standard Specification D975.
Renewable diesel fuel can be made from similar feedstocks and can be used directly in an oil refinery, where the feedstocks are transformed into a diesel fuel through hydrocracking and hydrogenation.
Renewable diesel fuel does not contain oxygen and is completely pipeline fungible and suitable for all existing fuel infrastructure from tanks, pipelines and pumps.
Biodiesel is produced by combining alcohol with fats.18 Biodiesel is generally blended with petroleum-based diesel for consumption as a vehicle fuel.19 Renewable diesel fuel is a growing industry.
For terminating access minutes on CST3 or FGD, the customer has the following options; 1) allow the Company to develop the projected PIU factor using the method described for terminating access on CST2 or FGC preceding, or 2) provide the Company with a projected PIU factor.
Renewable diesel fuel also includes fuel derived from biomass that meets a Department of Defense specification for military jet fuel or an ASTM specification for aviation turbine fuel.
If the equipment falls under the flexibility engine criteria Renewable diesel fuel is subject to the Department's inspection, sampling, and testing.