Examples of Renewable Energy Credits or RECs in a sentence
The Authority shall not procure energy from Category 3 eligible renewable resources (unbundled Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) exceeding 50% of the State law requirements, to achieve its renewable portfolio goals.
Subscriber shall be entitled to the benefits of all Renewable Energy Credits or RECs associated with Subscriber’s Pro-Rata Portion of the renewable energy generated at the Solar Projects during the term of this Agreement.
The Authority shall avoid the procurement of energy from Category 2 or 3 eligible renewable resources (unbundled Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) to the extent feasible.
Revenues received by renewable resources from bilateral agreements to sell renewable energy attributes (also referred to as Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs) to LSEs to meet state mandated procurement processes are defined to be nonmarket revenues.
The Authority shall avoid the procurement of energy from Category 3 eligible renewable resources (unbundled Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) to the extent feasible.
CPI acquires ownership of the excess energy and all renewable attributes associated with it, including Renewable Energy Credits or RECs.
Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs As stated above, renewable energy credits, or RECs, are usually sold through long-term PPAs. Revenue from the sale of self-generated RECs is recognized when the related energy is generated and simultaneously delivered even in cases where there is a certification lag as it has been deemed to be perfunctory.
This is coupled with language prohibiting procurement of energy from Category 3 eligible renewable resources (unbundled Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) beyond half of the 3.3% allowed to meet RPS targets, and the County’s intent to procure unbundled RECs only as a last resort.
New York has a central procurement approach to renewable energy procurement – different than any other state in that that the State itself is the buyer of Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs. And the renewable energy industry is essentially in a public-private partnership with the state of New York by competing for long-term contracts to provide the RECs to New York; contracts that get wind and solar energy projects built.
Under the terms of this PPSA, PG&E will sell up to 50,000 MWh of energy and associated Green Attributes (Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) primarily from a group of six California-located geothermal and hydroelectric facilities to Tenaska from the period of April 23, 2014 through October 31, 2014.