Emission Reductions Sample Clauses

Emission Reductions. The PERFORMING PARTY agrees that emissions reductions provided by each Scope Activity shall be used by NCTCOG to meet air quality requirements and goals. The PERFORMING PARTY may not utilize emissions reductions to satisfy other air quality commitments.
Emission Reductions. The Air District retains the exclusive right to claim any NOx emission reduction credits under State or Federal law that might result from emissions reduced by the Project implemented pursuant to this Agreement. The emissions reduced by the Project may not be used by Grantee to comply with any local, State, or Federal air pollution regulation or law, or used to fulfill Grantee’s obligations arising out of any order, settlement contract, memorandum of understanding, or other binding legal document.
Emission Reductions. ‌ Various California state and institutional bodies have developed tools to help estimate the GHG reductions and co-benefits associated with Urban Greening projects. Except where noted, the methodology and referenced tools below are consistent with the Quantification Methodology developed for the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Urban Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Program under the California Climate Investments Program.6 All Urban Greening calculations can be performed in a workbook that has been developed by CARB for the CNRA.7 Project applicants need to fill out data within two tabs in this workbook in order to quantify emission reductions and co-benefits. While the project contract period is 10 years, this methodology calculates the benefits over a 40-year period. Applicants must fill out tabs “Project Info,” and “Tree Planting – ITP.” The tab “Tree Planting – ITS” should not be filled out (the “Tree Planting – ITS” tab is designed as an alternative input tab for use with alternative software that is no longer supported). Tab “New Bike-Ped Infrastructure” should not be completed, as new bicycle/pedestrian infrastructure was not identified as a requirement under Measure M-2 of the CERP. In order to fill out all the information as prompted in the spreadsheet, project applicants will also need to use three external tools, as follows: 1. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR) Water Use Classification of Landscape Species (WUCOLS IV) tool8 2. California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Water Budget Workbook9 3. i- Tree Planting Tool10 A guide detailing how to use each of these tools can be found in Appendix B. 6 CCI Quantification, Benefits, and Reporting Materials. Available at: xxxxx://xx0.xxx.xx.xxx/resources/documents/cci-quantification-benefits-and-reporting-materials?corr. Accessed: October 2020.
Emission Reductions a. Based on the Analysis Alternative Report (if that alternative is chosen), the emission inventory and ambient air quality modeling, Intel and the Groups shall develop a list of target reductions of specific pollutants which Intel shall employ reasonable efforts to achieve by dates certain. Intel shall provide the Groups an annual update as to its success in meeting the target reductions, but DEQ will not be requested to incorporate the target reductions into Intel’s air permits. These target reductions are intended to incent Intel to minimize its air emissions and not to prevent expansion or development of the Facility. b. If the Risk Assessment identifies risk in excess of the Acceptable Risk Levels, and Intel chooses to implement the Analysis Alternative, Intel and the Groups shall develop monthly or production based mass emission limitations for specific pollutants emitted by the Facility that pose significant risk to the community as determined based on the emission rates identified in the emissions inventory and the ambient air quality modeling. No limits are required beyond those required to reduce the risk posed by the Facility to below the Acceptable Risk Levels. The Parties shall request that these mass emission limitations be incorporated into Intel’s air permits by DEQ.
Emission Reductions. Following issuance of the Draft Permit, EPE will immediately seek an alteration of the applicable permits to reduce the allowable tons per year of nitrogen oxides (“NOx”) and carbon dioxide (“CO2”) emissions from Xxxxxx Unit 6 by 40% from the proposed permit. Specifically, EPE will agree to the following allowable tons per year from Xxxxxx Unit 6: 3.4.1. 790,000 tons per year of CO2. 3.4.2. 72 tons per year of NOx. 3.4.3. If TCEQ declines to incorporate the limitations in Section 3.4.1and 3.4.2 into the final permit for Xxxxxx Unit 6, EPE nevertheless commits to meeting those emission limitations at Xxxxxx Unit 6.
Emission Reductions. Reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions will benefit City residents, visitors, and businesses, through improved public health, additional economic opportunities, and long-term energy price stability.
Emission Reductions 

Related to Emission Reductions

  • Ameliorative Allocations Any special allocations of income or gain pursuant to Sections 5.05(b) or 5.05(c) hereof shall be taken into account in computing subsequent allocations pursuant to Section 5.04 and this Section 5.05(g), so that the net amount of any items so allocated and all other items allocated to each Partner shall, to the extent possible, be equal to the net amount that would have been allocated to each Partner if such allocations pursuant to Sections 5.05(b) or 5.05(c) had not occurred.

  • Staff Reduction In the event of a reduction in staff, employees to be laid off will be notified at least sixty (60) days in advance of implementation. In the event the Board decides to reduce the number of teachers through layoff, or reduce the number of teachers in a given subject area, field, or program, or eliminate or consolidate positions, the following procedure shall be followed: A. Probationary teachers shall be laid off first provided there are tenured teachers qualified and certified to replace them. The order of reduction among probationary teachers shall be according to the academic needs of the district, competency, certification and seniority. B. The order of reduction among tenure teachers shall be according to certification, qualifications as established and required by the Board for the position and seniority. C. Seniority shall be defined as the length of service in the Chassell Township School District measured by service in the Chassell Township School District as a member of the bargaining unit when under regular contract and does not include any leaves of absence. A teacher's length of service shall be determined based on the teacher's first day on the job. Where the employment of teachers begins on the same date, a teacher who has been employed on a full- time basis shall be considered to have greater seniority than one who has been employed on a part-time basis. D. Tenured teachers shall be recalled in order of seniority to the next available vacancy for which the teacher is certified and qualified according to the qualifications established and required for the position by the Board, which arises within five (5) years from the effective date of the tenured teacher's layoff. E. The provisions of this layoff procedure will conform with the regulations of the State Tenure Commission. F. The Board shall give written notice of recall from layoff by sending a registered letter to said teacher at the teacher's last known address. It shall be the responsibility of each teacher to notify the Board of any change in address. The teacher's address as it appears in the Board's records shall be conclusive when used in connection with layoff, recall or other notice to the teacher. If the teacher fails to respond within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recall as to intent to report for work immediately or at the start of the next school year, such teacher shall be considered to be a voluntary quit and shall thereby terminate his individual employment contract and any other employment relationship he may have had with the Board.

  • WORKFORCE REDUCTION SECTION 1 Layoffs (A) When employees are to be laid off as defined in the F.S., the state shall implement such layoff in the following manner: (1) The competitive area for the bargaining unit shall be statewide unless the Department and PBA agree otherwise. (2) Layoff shall be by class or occupational level within the Security Services Bargaining Unit. (3) An employee who has not attained permanent status in his current position may be laid off without applying the provision for retention rights. (4) No employee with permanent status in his current position shall be laid off while an employee who does not hold permanent status in his current position is serving in that class or level unless the permanent employee does not elect to exercise his retention rights or does not meet the selective competition criteria. (5) All employees who have permanent status in their current positions shall be ranked on a layoff list for the affected class or level based on the total retention points derived as follows: (a) Length of service retention points shall be based on one point for each month of continuous service in a Career Service position. 1. An employee who resigns from one Career Service position to accept employment in another Career Service position is not considered to have a break in service. 2. An employee who has been laid off and is reemployed within one year from the date of the layoff shall not be considered to have a break in service. 3. Moving from Career Service to Selected Exempt Service or Senior Management Service and back to Career Service does not constitute a break in service unless the employee’s break in service is more than 31 calendar days. Only time spent in the Career Service is counted in calculating retention points. (b) Retention points deducted for performance not meeting performance standards or work expectations defined for the position shall be based on the five years immediately prior to the agency’s established cutoff date. Five points shall be deducted for each month an employee has a rating below performance expectations. (6) The layoff list shall be prepared by totaling retention points. Employees eligible for veterans’ preference pursuant to section 295.07(1)(a) or (b), F.S., shall have 15 percent added to their total retention points, those eligible pursuant to section 295.07(1)(c), (d), or (e), F.S., shall have 10 percent added to their total retention points, and those eligible pursuant to section 295.071(1)(f), or (g), F.S., shall have five percent added to their total retention points. (7) The employee with the highest total retention points is placed at the top of the list, and the employee with the lowest retention points is placed at the bottom of the list. (8) The employee at the top of the list shall bump the employee at the bottom of the list. The next highest employee on the list and the remaining employees shall be handled in the same manner until the total number of filled positions in the class to be abolished is complete. (9) Should two or more employees have the same combined total of retention points, the order of layoff shall be determined by giving preference for retention in the following sequence: (a) The employee with the longest service in the affected class. (b) The employee with the longest continuous service in the Career Service. (c) The employee who is entitled to veterans’ preference pursuant to section 295.07(1), F.S. (10) An employee who has permanent status in his current position and is to be laid off shall be given at least 14 calendar days’ notice of such layoff or two weeks’ pay, or a combination of days of notice and pay. Any payment will be made at the employee’s current hourly base rate of pay. The notice of layoff shall be in writing and sent to the employee by certified mail, return receipt requested. Within seven calendar days after receiving the notice of layoff, the employee shall have the right to request, in writing, a lateral action, reassignment, or demotion within the competitive area in lieu of layoff to a position in a class within the bargaining unit in which the employee held permanent status, or to a position in a class at the level of or below the class in the bargaining unit in which the employee held permanent status. (11) An employee’s request for lateral action, reassignment, or demotion shall be granted unless it would cause the layoff of another employee who possesses a greater total of retention points. (12) An employee adversely affected as a result of another employee having a greater number of retention points shall have the same right of lateral action, reassignment or demotion under the same procedure as provided in this section. (13) If an employee requests a lateral action, reassignment, or demotion in lieu of layoff, the same formula and criteria for establishing retention points for that class shall be used as prescribed in this section. (B) If there is to be a layoff of employees, the state shall take all reasonable steps to place any adversely affected employees in existing vacancies for which they are qualified. (C) If work performed by employees in this unit is to be performed by non-state employees, the state agrees to encourage the employing entity to consider any adversely affected unit employees for employment in its organization if the state has been unable to place the employees in other positions within the State Personnel System.

  • Certain Reductions Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Company shall reduce Executive’s severance benefits under this Agreement, in whole or in part, by any other severance benefits, pay in lieu of notice, or other similar benefits payable to Executive by the Company in connection with Executive’s termination, including but not limited to payments or benefits pursuant to (a) any applicable legal requirement, including, without limitation, the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, or (b) any other Company agreement, arrangement, policy or practice relating to Executive’s termination of employment with the Company. The benefits provided under this Agreement are intended to satisfy, to the greatest extent possible, any and all statutory obligations that may arise out of Executive’s termination of employment. Such reductions shall be applied on a retroactive basis, with severance benefits paid first in time being recharacterized as payments pursuant to the Company’s statutory obligation.

  • PERSONNEL REDUCTION Section 1 In the event of layoffs in connection with decreasing the work force, and the recall to work of people so laid off, the following consideration shall govern. Skill and ability as determined by reference to the employee's work record, and length of service shall be the determining factors; however, employees shall be laid off by category of seniority. There shall be three (3) seniority categories: probationary, 1 yearto 5 years seniority, and over 5 years seniority. In case of layoff, all employees in the lowest seniority category shall be laid off before proceeding to layoff of anyone in a more senior category. Where skill and ability within a category are approximately equal, length of service shall govern. Employees having the same seniority within a category shall draw lots to determine the order of layoff. No new employees shall be hired until all laid off employees have been given the opportunity to be re-hired. Employees who have been laid off will be offered re-employment in the inverse order of layoffs when they are needed again, provided they are physically qualified and possess sufficient training and experience to perform the duties of the available work. The City shall give laid off employees ten (10) days notice of its intention to rehire. The employees shall within ten (10) days period notify the City of their intention to, or not to, return to the employ of the City, and shall report to work no later than fifteen (15) days from receipt of said notice to rehire. If an employee fails to notify the City within the ten (10) calendar day period of his/her intentions to return to work, or fails to report to work within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of notice, he/she shall be considered permanently severed from the employ of the City. At the time of a layoff the City shall provide all laid off employees with a complete physical examination. At the time of rehire, the City may require a physical examination prior to the employee's return to duty, and it is expressly understood that any employee found physically unfit to return to duty may be refused re-employment and removed from the employment list. The City shall not be obligated to rehire laid off employees who have been laid off for five (5) or more consecutive calendar years, beginning from the date of layoff. Section 2 Employees laid off under provisions of this ARTICLE, who at the time of layoff had existing and established work-connected injuries, may not be denied re-employment during the five (5) year call-back period because of these work-connected injuries as existing and established prior to the layoff. Section 3 Nothing in this ARTICLE shall limit the ability of the City to provide for a compliment of officers and departmental personnel deemed in the judgment of the Chief necessary for the proper administration of the affairs of the Department and as provided for within the Departmental budget. Collective Bargaining Agreement Dover Professional Firefighters Association FY12-FY14

  • Paperwork Reduction Act The collection of information in this final rule has been reviewed and, pending receipt and evaluation of public comments, approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned control number 1545-1675. The collection of information in this regulation is in Sec. 1.860E-1(c)(5)(ii). This information is required to enable the IRS to verify that a taxpayer is complying with the conditions of this regulation. The collection of information is mandatory and is required. Otherwise, the taxpayer will not receive the benefit of safe harbor treatment as provided in the regulation. The likely respondents are businesses and other for-profit institutions. Comments on the collection of information should be sent to the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for the Department of the Treasury, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC, 20503, with copies to the Internal Revenue Service, Attn: IRS Reports Clearance Officer, W:CAR:MP:FP:S, Washington, DC 20224. Comments on the collection of information should be received by September 17, 2002. Comments are specifically requested concerning: Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Internal Revenue Service, including whether the information will have practical utility; The accuracy of the estimated burden associated with the collection of information (see below); How the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected may be enhanced; How the burden of complying with the collection of information may be minimized, including through the application of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology; and Estimates of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and purchase of service to provide information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget. The estimated total annual reporting burden is 470 hours, based on an estimated number of respondents of 470 and an estimated average annual burden hours per respondent of one hour. Books or records relating to a collection of information must be retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.

  • Financial Reductions Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, and at the discretion of the Funder, the HSP may be subject to a financial reduction in any of the following circumstances: its CAPS is received after the due date; its CAPS is incomplete; the quarterly performance reports are not provided when due; or financial or clinical data requirements are late, incomplete or inaccurate, where the errors or delay were not as a result of Funder actions or inaction or the actions or inactions of persons acting on behalf of the Funder. If assessed, the financial reduction will be as follows: if received within 7 Days after the due date, incomplete or inaccurate, the financial penalty will be the greater of (1) a reduction of 0.02 percent (0.02%) of the Funding; or (2) two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00); and for every full or partial week of non-compliance thereafter, the rate will be one half of the initial reduction.

  • Appraisal Reductions (a) The Special Servicer shall: (i) upon the occurrence of an Appraisal Reduction Event, promptly notify the Servicer, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator and, during any CCR Control Period and any CCR Consultation Period, the Controlling Class Representative of such occurrence of an Appraisal Reduction Event; (ii) within 30 days after the occurrence of such Appraisal Reduction Event, order, and use efforts consistent with Accepted Servicing Practices, to obtain an independent Appraisal of the Property unless an Appraisal was performed within 9 months prior to the Appraisal Reduction Event and the Special Servicer is not aware of any material change in the market or condition or value of the Property since the date of such Appraisal (in which case, such Appraisal may be used by the Special Servicer); and (iii) determine (no later than the first Distribution Date on or following either (x) the receipt of such Appraisal (in final form) (provided, that if such new Appraisal was received less than five (5) Business Days prior to such Distribution Date, it will determine no later than the second Distribution Date following the receipt of such Appraisal) or (y) the determination to use any existing Appraisals, as applicable) on the basis of the applicable Appraisals, and receipt of information reasonably requested by the Special Servicer from the Servicer in the Servicer’s possession and reasonably necessary to calculate the Appraisal Reduction Amount, whether there exists any Appraisal Reduction Amount and, if an Appraisal Reduction Amount exists, give notice thereof to the Servicer, the Trustee, the Companion Loan Holders (or, in the case of a Companion Loan that is part of an Other Securitization Trust, the master servicer, special servicer and trustee with respect to such Other Securitization Trust) and the Certificate Administrator. The cost of obtaining any such Appraisal (or updated Appraisal) shall be paid by the Servicer as a Property Protection Advance or an Administrative Advance unless it would constitute a Nonrecoverable Advance and, in such case, as an expense of the Trust. Updates of such Appraisals shall be obtained by the Special Servicer every nine (9) months for so long as an Appraisal Reduction Event exists and shall be paid for by the Servicer as a Property Protection Advance or an Administrative Advance (or paid for by the Trust if the Servicer or the Special Servicer determines that such Advance would constitute a Nonrecoverable Advance), and any Appraisal Reduction Amount shall be adjusted accordingly and, if required in accordance with any such adjustment, each Class of Principal Balance Certificates and the Uncertificated VRR Interest with a Certificate Balance or Uncertificated VRR Interest Balance, as applicable, that has been notionally reduced as a result of such Appraisal Reduction Amount shall have its related Certificate Balance or Combined VRR Interest Balance, as applicable, notionally restored (or reduced if applicable) to the extent required by such adjustment of the Appraisal Reduction Amount, and there shall be a redetermination of whether a CCR Control Period, a CCR Consultation Period or a CCR Consultation Termination Period is then in effect. The Servicer shall provide by electronic means reasonably acceptable to the Special Servicer and the Servicer the information in its possession or control as reasonably requested in writing by the Special Servicer within two (2) Business Days of any request to permit the Special Servicer to calculate or to recalculate the Appraisal Reduction Amount. The Mortgage Loan will be treated as a single loan for purposes of calculating the Appraisal Reduction Amount. Appraisal Reduction Amounts with respect to the Mortgage Loan shall be allocated first to the Junior Trust Notes on a pro rata and pari passu basis (in accordance with the relative principal balance of such Junior Trust Notes) up to the aggregate principal balance of the Junior Trust Notes, with any remainder being allocated to the Senior Notes on a pro rata and pari passu basis (in accordance with the relative principal balance of such Senior Notes). Any such Appraisal obtained under this Section 3.7 shall be delivered by the Special Servicer to the Servicer, the Trustee, the Certificate Administrator, the 17g-5 Information Provider, any applicable Consenting Party and Consulting Party in electronic format and the Certificate Administrator shall make such Appraisal available to Non-Restricted Privileged Persons pursuant to Section 8.14(b), and the 17g-5 Information Provider shall post such Appraisal on the 17g-5 Information Provider’s Website. (b) While an Appraisal Reduction Amount exists with respect to the Trust Loan, (i) the amount of any Monthly Interest Payment Advances shall be reduced as provided in Section 3.23(a) and (ii) the existence thereof shall be taken into account for purposes of determining (x) the Voting Rights of certain Classes of Certificates as provided in Section 3.7(c) and (y) whether a CCR Control Period is or is not then in effect as provided in the definition thereof. (c) The Certificate Balance of each Class of the Principal Balance Certificates (other than the Class A Certificates) shall be notionally reduced (solely for purposes of determining (x) to the extent expressly set forth herein, the Voting Rights of the related Classes and (y) whether a CCR Control Period is or is not then in effect) on any Distribution Date to the extent of any Appraisal Reduction Amount allocated to such Class on such Distribution Date. On each Distribution Date, the VRR Percentage of any Appraisal Reduction Amount shall be applied to notionally reduce (to not less than zero) the Combined VRR Interest Balance of the Combined VRR Interest, which amount shall, in turn, be applied to notionally reduce (to not less than zero) the Certificate Balance of the Class VRR Certificates and the Uncertificated VRR Interest Balance of the Uncertificated VRR Interest, pro rata, based on the respective then-outstanding amounts of such Certificate Balance and Uncertificated VRR Interest Balance. On each Distribution Date, the Non-Retained Percentage of any Appraisal Reduction Amount shall be applied to notionally reduce the Certificate Balances of the Class B Certificates; provided that the Certificate Balance in respect of such Class may not be notionally reduced below zero. Appraisal Reduction Amounts shall not be applied to notionally reduce the Certificate Balance of the Class A Certificates. (d) With respect to any Appraisal used for purposes of determining an Appraisal Reduction Amount, the appraised value of the Property or Foreclosed Property, as applicable, will be determined on an “as is” basis. (e) If (i) an Appraisal Reduction Event has occurred, (ii) either (A) no Appraisal or updates of an Appraisal have been obtained or conducted with respect to the Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, during the 12-month period prior to the date of such Appraisal Reduction Event or (B) a material change in the circumstances surrounding the Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, has occurred since the date of the most recent Appraisal that would materially adversely affect the value of the Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, and (iii) no new Appraisal has been obtained or conducted for each such Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, referred to in the immediately preceding clause (ii) within 60 days after the Appraisal Reduction Event has occurred, then (x) until a new Appraisal is obtained for the Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, the appraised value of the Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, for purposes of determining the Appraisal Reduction Amount shall be deemed to equal 75% of the unpaid principal balance of the Mortgage Loan (the “Assumed Appraised Value”) , and (y) upon receipt or performance of the new Appraisal by the Special Servicer with respect to the Property or Foreclosed Property, as the case may be, the Appraisal Reduction Amount shall be recalculated in accordance with the definition of “Appraisal Reduction Amount” taking such Appraisal into account. (f) The Special Servicer shall consult with the Controlling Class Representative (if it is a Consenting Party) in respect of the determination of any Appraisal Reduction Amount. The determination by the Special Servicer following such consultation will be binding until such time as a new determination is made based on a new Appraisal obtained as a result of the exercise of the rights of the Controlling Class Representative discussed below or otherwise in accordance with this Agreement. The Class B Certificates, if and when the Certificate Balance thereof is reduced to less than 25% of its initial Certificate Balance (taking into account the application of any Appraisal Reduction Amount to notionally reduce the Certificate Balance of such Class) and provided that a CCR Consultation Termination Event does not exist, is referred to as an “Appraisal-Reduced Class”. The holders of the majority (by Certificate Balance) of an Appraisal-Reduced Class (such holders, the “Requesting Holders”) shall have the right, at their sole expense, to require the Special Servicer to order a second Appraisal in respect of the Property in connection with the related Appraisal Reduction Event that has occurred with respect to the Mortgage Loan, and in connection therewith the Special Servicer shall use reasonable efforts to cause each such second Appraisal to be delivered within 60 days from receipt of the Requesting Holders’ written request and shall cause such second Appraisal to be prepared by an Independent Appraiser. Upon receipt of each such second Appraisal, the Special Servicer shall be required to recalculate such Appraisal Reduction Amount based upon such second Appraisal(s). If required by any such recalculation, a CCR Control Period may be reinstated. (g) In addition, if subsequent to the Class B Certificates becoming an Appraisal-Reduced Class there is a material change with respect to the Property, the Requesting Holders of such Class will have the right to request, in writing, that the Special Servicer obtain an additional Appraisal, which request shall set forth their belief of what constitutes a material change to such Property (including any related documentation). For the avoidance of doubt, only one such additional Appraisal of any particular Property, and only 4 such additional Appraisals of the Property, may be requested by the holders of an Appraisal-Reduced Class within the same two-year period. The costs of obtaining such additional Appraisal shall be paid by the Requesting Holders. Subject to the Special Servicer’s confirmation, determined in accordance with Accepted Servicing Practices, that there has been a change with respect to the Property designated by the Requesting Holders for an additional Appraisal and such change was material, the Special Servicer shall order another Appraisal from an Independent Appraiser, the identity of which shall be determined by the Special Servicer in accordance with Accepted Servicing Practices (provided that such Independent Appraiser may not be the same Independent Appraiser that provided the Appraisal in respect of which the Requesting Holders are requesting the Special Servicer to obtain an additional Appraisal), and the Special Servicer shall recalculate the Appraisal Reduction Amount based upon such additional Appraisal. If required by any such recalculation, a CCR Control Period shall be reinstated. In each case, Appraisals that are requested by any Appraisal-Reduced Class shall be in addition to any Appraisals that the Special Servicer may otherwise be required to obtain in accordance with Accepted Servicing Practices upon the occurrence of a material change at the Property or that the Special Servicer is otherwise required or permitted to order under this Agreement without regard to any Appraisal requests made by any other party. Absent manifest error in the appraised value contained in an Appraisal (including a failure to reflect material adverse changes in circumstances affecting property valuations occurring since the date of such Appraisal), the Special Servicer shall not be permitted to adjust downward the appraised value of the Property contained in any Appraisal (provided such Appraisal satisfies customary standards for qualified appraisals in CMBS transactions) delivered to the Special Servicer (including any Appraisal obtained at the request of the Requesting Holders of an Appraisal-Reduced Class) in making an Appraisal Reduction Amount calculation, to the extent that such downward adjustment would cause the Class B Certificates to become an Appraisal-Reduced Class (h) Upon becoming an Appraisal-Reduced Class and thereafter (including during any period that the Appraisal-Reduced Class is challenging the determination of the Appraisal Reduction Amount with a second Appraisal or otherwise presenting a new Appraisal as described above), the Holders of the Class B Certificates shall not exercise any rights of the Controlling Class solely applicable during a CCR Control Period, and the Controlling Class Representative shall not be a Consenting Party, until such time, if any, as such CCR Control Period is reinstated.

  • Increased Cost and Reduced Return; Capital Adequacy (a) If any Lender reasonably determines that as a result of any Change in Law there shall be any increase in the cost to such Lender agreeing to make, making or maintaining any Loan, or a reduction in the amount received or receivable by such Lender in connection with any of the foregoing (excluding for purposes of this Section 3.03(a) any such increased costs or reduction in amount resulting from (i) Indemnified Taxes, (ii) Taxes described in clauses (b) through (d) of the definition of Excluded Taxes or (iii) Other Connection Taxes), then from time to time within fifteen (15) days after written demand by such Lender setting forth in reasonable detail such increased costs (with a copy of such demand to the Administrative Agent given in accordance with Section 3.04), Borrower shall pay to such Lender such additional amounts as will compensate such Lender for such increased cost or reduction. (b) If any Lender reasonably determines that the introduction of any Law regarding (i) capital adequacy or any change therein or in the interpretation thereof or (ii) liquidity requirement, or in each case any change therein or in the interpretation thereof with which such Lender (or its Applicable Lending Office) is required to comply, in each case after the date hereof, would have the effect of reducing the rate of return on the capital of such Lender, or any corporation controlling such Lender, to a level below that which such Lender, or the corporation controlling such Lender, could have achieved but for such Change in Law (taking into consideration such Lender’s policies and the policies of any corporation controlling such Lender with respect to capital adequacy) as a consequence of such Lender’s obligations hereunder, then from time to time upon written demand of such Lender setting forth in reasonable detail the charge and the calculation of such reduced rate of return (with a copy of such demand to the Administrative Agent given in accordance with Section 3.04), Borrower shall pay to such Lender such additional amounts as will compensate such Lender for such reduction within fifteen (15) days after receipt of such demand. (c) Failure or delay on the part of any Lender to demand compensation pursuant to this Section 3.03 shall not constitute a waiver of such Lender’s right to demand such compensation. (d) If any Lender requests compensation under this Section 3.03, then such Lender will, if requested by Borrower, use commercially reasonable efforts to designate another Applicable Lending Office for any Loan affected by such event; provided that such efforts are made on terms that, in the reasonable judgment of such Lender, cause such Lender and its Applicable Lending Office(s) to suffer no material economic, legal or regulatory disadvantage; and provided further that nothing in this Section 3.03(d) shall affect or postpone any of the Obligations of Borrower or the rights of such Lender pursuant to Section 3.03(a), (b) or (c).

  • Optional Reductions The Borrower may, upon notice to the Administrative Agent, terminate the Aggregate Revolving Commitments, or from time to time permanently reduce the Aggregate Revolving Commitments to an amount not less than the Outstanding Revolving Amount of Revolving Loans, Swing Line Loans and L/C Obligations; provided that (i) any such notice shall be received by the Administrative Agent not later than 1:00 p.m., five (5) Business Days prior to the date of termination or reduction, (ii) any such partial reduction shall be in an aggregate amount of $2,000,000 or any whole multiple of $1,000,000 in excess thereof and (iii) the Borrower shall not terminate or reduce (A) the Aggregate Revolving Commitments if, after giving effect thereto and to any concurrent prepayments hereunder, the Total Revolving Outstandings would exceed the Aggregate Revolving Commitments, (B) the Letter of Credit Sublimit if, after giving effect thereto, the Outstanding Revolving Amount of L/C Obligations not fully Cash Collateralized hereunder would exceed the Letter of Credit Sublimit, or (C) the Swing Line Sublimit if, after giving effect thereto and to any concurrent prepayments hereunder, the Outstanding Revolving Amount of Swing Line Loans would exceed the Swing Line Sublimit.