Examples of Rental Housing Act in a sentence
For your information, if a project proposes rental units, it may be eligible for an On-site Alternative to the Affordable Housing Fee if it has demonstrated to the Planning Department that the affordable units are either: 1) ownership only or 2) not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act (a Costa Hawkins exception).
The Rental Housing Act (50 of 1999, as amended) of which this Agreement is subject to.
The landlord may evict you only for one of ten specific reasons set forth in Title V of the Rental Housing Act of 1985.
All projects financed through this RFP will be held to the standards of the Uniform Relocation Act and the District’s Rental Housing Act.
The PURCHASER acknowledges being fully aware of the protection afforded under the Rental Housing Act in so far as same may be applicable to any tenant.
These rent increase limits shall only apply to units that can be controlled in compliance with Costa- Hawkins Rental Housing Act.
Affordable units are not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act under the exception provided in Civil Code Sections 1954.50 through one of the following methods: o direct financial construction from a public entityo development bonus or other form of public assistance A Costa Hawkins exception agreement is drafted by the City Attorney.
In order to qualify for this alternative, the sponsor must demonstrate that the units would not be subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act.
The tenant’s petition alleging an unlawful rent increase under the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act was granted.
For your information, if a project proposes rental units, it may be eligible for an On‐site Alternative to the Affordable Housing Fee if it has demonstrated to the Planning Department that the affordable units are either: 1) ownership only or 2) not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act (a Costa Hawkins exception).