Examples of Rental Project in a sentence
A minimum of ten percent (10%) of the units in a Qualified Residential Rental Project must have Gross Rents that are restricted to households with incomes no greater than fifty percent (50%) of the AMI.
Revised 06-01-2017), hereby incorporated by reference, submitted by the Project Sponsor of a Non-Qualified Residential Rental Project, certifies that all work on the Project was substantially completed, along with the aggregate amount disbursed on the loan for qualified project costs.
Revised 06-01-2017), hereby incorporated by reference, submitted by the Project Sponsor of a Qualified Residential Rental Project, and certifies that all work on the Project was substantially completed, along with the aggregate amount disbursed on the loan for qualified project costs.
A Rental Project must be able to operate in a financially sound manner in accordance with the Bank's project feasibility guidelines and as projected in the project's operating pro forma.
Sites and units may be for rent, or sites may be sold for residential occupancy (as in a subdivision).Manufactured Home Rental Project.