Rental Station definition
Examples of Rental Station in a sentence
If there is anything that You do not understand please ask at the Rental Station before signing the Rental Contract, as Your signature is Your acknowledgement that You have read and understood the Rental Contract in its entirety and that You are bound by it.
City hereby grants to Operator an exclusive license during the Term to enter upon and utilize the Premises to install and operate the Rental Station Services and to bring onto the Premises personnel and equipment as Operator deems necessary in connection with the Rental Station Services.
Operator shall develop and deliver to City a custom website designed to market the Rental Station Services prior to launch, at no cost to City.
Automobile Rental Station: A portion of a legally established parking area or parking garage that serves as the location for the parking, storage, pick-up and drop-off of a rental automobile.
The Rental Contract is governed by the laws of state in which the Rental Station from which You have hired the Campervan is located and You agree that courts in that state have non-exclusive jurisdiction to determine any dispute that arises between You and Us.
Subject to the prior written approval of the City, Operator may release a press release announcing the parties’ relationship hereunder, and may use City’s name, logos, trademarks and service marks to (i) create marketing and advertising materials for City to use to promote the Rental Station Services, and (ii) place City on Operator’s customer list, which will be displayed on Operator’s website and in other publications.
Operator shall develop and deliver to County a custom website designed to market the Rental Station Services prior to launch, at no cost to County.
City now wishes to engage Operator, and Operator has agreed to provide the Rental Station Services on the City’s parks, recreation, and open space areas (the “Premises”) on the terms and conditions set forth herein and in Schedule A.
Payment by Debit Card is not acceptable on all Vehicles or at all Rental Stations and You should check with the Rental Station that Your proposed means of payment is acceptable to Us before signing the Rental Contract.
Intelligent power management ConvenienceVariable power assistance Safe and sensibleRoad side assistance Fun to ride AffordableCheap to operate Agenda Item #: Staff ReportCity of Manhattan Beach TO: Honorable Mayor Ward and Members of the City Council THROUGH: Richard Thompson, Interim City Manager FROM: Liza Tamura, City ClerkAriana Kennedy, Management Analyst DATE: September 7, 2010 SUBJECT: Consideration of an Automated Bike Rental Station at the Pier and Discussion of Related Policy Issues.