Examples of Repurchase Charge in a sentence
Shareholders may redeem their Shares on a Dealing Day at the Repurchase Price which shall be the Net Asset Value per Share, less Repurchase Charge, if any and any applicable duties and charges (save during any period when the calculation of the Net Asset Value is suspended).
The Directors may levy a Repurchase Charge of up to 3% of the Net Asset Value per Share.
Shareholders may be subject to a Repurchase Charge up to a maximum of 3% of repurchase monies, as specified in the relevant Supplement.
The difference at any one time between the subscription price (to which may be added a Preliminary Charge) and the Repurchase Price (from which may be deducted a Repurchase Charge) and the possible imposition of an Anti-Dilution Levy means that an investment should be viewed as medium to long-term.
The possible imposition of a Repurchase Charge and/or an Anti-Dilution Levy, and the difference at any one time between the sale and repurchase price of shares in a Fund, means that an investment should be viewed as medium to long term.