Examples of Required Partners in a sentence
This MOU defines the roles and responsibilities of the OSCC Required Partners to operationalize the delivery of services necessary to produce the best possible outcomes for shared customers – youth, job seekers and businesses.
The WIOA Required Partners agree to participate in the selection process of One-Stop Operators as required by WIOA, at least once every 4 years.
Postsecondary institutions, or business and industry or WIOA Core and Required Partners in partnership with postsecondary institutions, can create career pathways which will be supported by WIOA funds.
The Metro North Regional Employment in agreement with the OSCC Required Partners agree to jointly review the WIOA mandated performance metrics for the workforce areas or metrics as negotiated as part of any shared and infrastructure contract costs between a Local Board and the mandated One- Stop Career Center partner, including incentives and penalties.
XxXxxxxxxx, City of Cambridge and the One-Stop Career Center Required Partners, relating to the operation of the one-stop delivery of service in the local workforce area.