Examples of Resale Royalty in a sentence
Resale Royalty Right Article L334-1 Article L334-1(Act No. 98-536 of 1 July 1998 art.
In 1976, California passed the California Resale Royalty Act (the Act) — a law that, for the last 39 years, has secured invaluable benefits for talented artists.
California’s Resale Royalty Act requires the payment of royalties to the artist after a sale of fine art whenever “the seller resides in California or the sale takes place in California.” Cal.
If the artist cannot be found, the Resale Royalty will revert to the California Arts Council in accordance with state law.
Turner, The Artist’s Resale Royalty Right: Overcoming the Information Problem, 19 UCLA ENT.
If California’s Resale Royalty Act continues to be unconstitutional, and whether or not the federal act is enacted, dealers and artists may be more or less aggressive in demanding some portion of the profit on the later sale of a work.
The California Resale Royalty Act provides that a 5% royalty must be paid to certain artists upon the sale of that artist’s works of art.
See, e.g., Moral Rights, Termination Rights, Resale Royalty, and Copyright Term: Hearing Before the Subcomm.
This guide is to give you some pointers and encouragement – look at what others are doing and see if it can be replicated in your area.
Regarding the topic of Artist’s Resale Royalty Right, the Secretariat presented an update on the ongoing work of the Task Force on the Artist’s Resale Royalty Right.