Research and Development Committee definition
Examples of Research and Development Committee in a sentence
The chair of the Research and Development Committee will serve as the chair of the University Sabbatical Review Committee.
Each College Personnel Committee or other designated committee will serve as the College Sabbatical Review Committee.The University Sabbatical Review Committee is a subcommittee of the Research and Development Committee.
The University Sabbatical Review Committee reports to the Research and Development Committee, and the Research and Development Committee reports to the Provost.The University Sabbatical Review Committee shall be responsible for reviewing sabbatical leave policies and procedures and shall recommend changes, when needed, to the UAS for feedback and endorsement.
Since the logistic regression ignores additional information on the intensity of corruption, we also use an ordered logistic regression.
Before a medicines trial has received Local Research and Ethics Committee and Trust Research and Development Committee approval, the Trust Commercial Trials Facilitator, or the local trial coordinator, must ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place regarding the management and supply of trial medication.
The Faculty Research and Development Committee reviews all sabbatical proposals and evaluates their appropriateness, scholarly merit, and potential contribution to the professional development of the applicant.
A candidate for sabbatical leave must submit a plan of study to his or her department chairperson, who then will transmit the request with his or her comments and recommendation to the Faculty Research and Development Committee through the provost.
The University Sabbatical Review Committee membership comprises seven standing members from the Research and Development Committee (of the seven no more than three members from a single college, including the chair), one representative from each of the College Sabbatical Review Committees, one representative from university libraries, and the ExecutiveDirector, Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence (Ex officio, non-voting).
The provost and Faculty Research and Development Committee will work together to enable the sabbatical as soon as possible.
The Faculty Research and Development Committee is a faculty standing committee which consists of three members and a chair elected by the faculty, based upon a slate submitted by the Nominating Committee.