Examples of Research and Other Sponsored Projects in a sentence
Each member of the College community who engages in or seeks to engage in College Research and Other Sponsored Projects has the responsibility to disclose to the College all outside interests, as defined in this policy, which may represent a real or apparent Conflict of Interest.
Research and Other Sponsored Projects includes any systematic investigation, study or experiment designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge, including basic and applied research (e.g., a published article, book or book chapter) and product development (e.g., a diagnostic test, drug or device), and non-research projects such as training, clinical services, educational conferences, exhibitions, performances, archives, workshops, and library projects for which external funding is received.
Research and Other Sponsored Projects includes any such activity for which funding is available from external sources through a grant, contract or agreement, including, but not limited to, research grants, career development awards, center grants, individual fellowship awards, infrastructure awards, institutional training grants, program projects and research resources awards.
In addition, NYU can eliminate the FCOI, as for example by prohibiting an Investigator from participating in Research and Other Sponsored Projects or by requiring action that eliminates the FCOI as a condition of participating in an activity (e.g., divestment of an Ownership Interest giving rise to a FCOI).
Investigator means the principal investigator or program director, and any other person, regardless of title or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of Research and Other Sponsored Projects, or who proposes funding for the Research and Other Sponsored Projects, at or under the auspices of NYU.
While this policy is of general applicability to faculty and Investigators, the Addendum on Conflicts of Interest in Research and Other Sponsored Projects, which is appended hereto as Exhibit B, includes specific provisions regarding conflicts of interest arising in connection with Research and Other Sponsored Projects.
The results of the review and any resulting conflict management and/or mitigation plan will be communicated to the principal investigator and to the Investigator(s) with the identified conflict (if different), each of whom will need to agree to the plan(s) before the Research and Other Sponsored Projects may proceed.
For disclosures related to Research and Other Sponsored Projects, the Office of Research Administration shall review the disclosures in accordance with the procedures in section 8.
For matters related to Research and Other Sponsored Projects, additional enforcement provisions are set forth in Section IV.E. of the Addendum on Conflicts of Interest in Research and Other Sponsored Projects.
See in particular the Addendum for Conflicts of Interest in Research and Other Sponsored Projects attached to this policy as Exhibit B.