Examples of Reset Dates in a sentence
In addition, the applicable Pricing Supplement shall define or particularize for each Floating Rate Note the following terms, if applicable: the period to maturity of the instrument or obligation on which the interest rate formula is based (the “Index Maturity”), the Rate of Interest, the Interest Commencement Date, the Interest Payment Date or Dates and the Reset Dates with respect to such Note.
Reset Dates: The first day of each Floating Rate Payer Calculation Period.
Reset Dates 2 April 2022 (the “First Reset Date”) and each date falling five, or an integral multiple of five, years after the First Reset Date.
In the case of a Floating Rate Bearer Note, the Initial Interest Rate (if known at such time), the Interest Payment Dates, the Interest Payment Period, the Calculation Agent, the Base Rate, the Index Maturity, the Interest Reset Period, the Interest Determination Date, the Interest Reset Dates, the Spread or Spread Multiplier (if any), the Minimum Interest Rate (if any), the Maximum Interest Rate (if any), the Alternate Rate Event Spread (if any) and the Floating Day Count Fraction.
LIBOR FLOATING RATE PAYMENTS: LIBOR Floating Rate Payer: CSi. LIBOR Floating Rate Period End and LIBOR Reset Dates: Each December 15th, March 15th, June 15th and September 15th during the term hereof, commencing on June 15, 2007, and the Termination Date, subject to adjustment in accordance with the Following Business Day Convention with No Adjustment to the Termination Date for accrual purposes.