Reset Reference Bond Price definition

Reset Reference Bond Price means, with respect to any Reset Determination Date:
Reset Reference Bond Price means, with respect to any Reset Determination Date, (i) the arithmetic average of the Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations for such Reset Determination Date (as applicable), after excluding the highest and lowest of such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, or (ii) if fewer than five such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations are received, the arithmetic average of all such quotations, or (iii) if only one Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotation is received or if no Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations are received, the First Reset Rate of Interest shall be the Initial Rate of Interest and any Subsequent Reset Rate of Interest shall be determined to be the Rate of Interest as at the last preceding Reset Date.
Reset Reference Bond Price means, in respect of any Reset Determination Date, the arithmetic average of the Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations for such Reset Determination Date, after excluding the highest and lowest such Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations; provided, however, that (A) if fewer than five but more than one Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations are received, the Reset Reference Bond Price shall be equal to the arithmetic average of all such quotations, or (B) if only one Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotation is received, the Reset Reference Bond Price shall be equal to such quotation, or (C) if no Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations are received, the Reset Reference Bond Price will be the Reset Reference Bond Rate for the immediately preceding Reset Period or, if none, the Initial Reference Rate; Reset Reference Bond Rate means, in relation to any Reset Period, the rate per annum equal to the yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the Reset Reference Bond, assuming a price for the Reset Reference Bond (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) equal to the Reset Reference Bond Price for the relevant Reset Determination Date; Reset Reference Government Bond Dealers means five banks or other financial institutions that are (A) primary dealers in Relevant Government Bonds, or (B) market makers in pricing corporate bond issues denominated in the Specified Currency, in each case as selected by the Bank and notified in writing to the Fiscal Agent; and Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations means, with respect to each Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer and any Reset Determination Date, the arithmetic average, as determined by the Fiscal Agent, of the bid and offered prices for the Reset Reference Bond (expressed as a percentage of its principal amount) as at or around the Reset Determination Time on such Reset Determination Date, and, if relevant, on a dealing basis for settlement that is customarily used for such Reset Reference Bond at such time, quoted in writing to the Bank by such Reset Reference Government Bond Dealer. If the Reset Reference Rate specified in the applicable Final Terms is the CMT Rate, unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms: Business Day means a U.S. Government Securities Business Day (as defined in Condition 4(c)(ii)(D)(C));

Related to Reset Reference Bond Price

  • Reference Bond Price means, with respect to any date of redemption, (a) the arithmetic average of the Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations for such date of redemption, after excluding the highest and lowest such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, or (b) if the Determination Agent obtains fewer than four such Reference Government Bond Dealer Quotations, the arithmetic average of all such quotations;

  • Reset Reference Rate means in respect of a Reset Period, the gross redemption yield (as calculated by the Agent Bank on the basis set out by the United Kingdom Debt Management Office in the paper “Formulae for Calculating Gilt Prices from Yields”, page 5, Section One: Price/Yield Formulae “Conventional Gilts”; Double dated and Undated Gilts with Assumed (or Actual) Redemption on a Quasi-Coupon Date (published 8 June 1998, as amended or updated from time to time) or if such basis is no longer in customary market usage at such time, in accordance with generally accepted market practice at such time, on a semi-annual compounding basis (rounded up (if necessary) to four decimal places) of the Benchmark Gilt in respect of that Reset Period, with the price of the Benchmark Gilt for the purpose of determining the gross redemption yield being the arithmetic average (rounded up (if necessary) to the nearest 0.001 per cent. (0.0005 per cent. being rounded upwards)) of the bid and offered prices of such Benchmark Gilt quoted by the Reset Reference Banks at 11.00 a.m. (London time) on the Reset Determination Date in respect of such Reset Period on a dealing basis for settlement on the next following dealing day in London. Such quotations shall be obtained by or on behalf of the Issuer and provided to the Agent Bank. If at least four quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the lowest). If only two or three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded quotation provided. If no quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be the previous Reset Reference Rate or (in the case of the first Reset Period) 1.581 per cent., where:

  • Reset Reference Bank Rate means, in relation to a Reset Interest Period and the Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date in relation to such Reset Interest Period, the percentage rate determined on the basis of the 7-year Mid-Swap Rate Quotations provided by the Reset Reference Banks to the Fiscal Agent at approximately 11:00 a.m. (New York City time) on such Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date. If at least three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the lowest). If only two quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the quotation provided. If no quotations are provided,

  • Reset Reference Banks means the principal office in the principal financial centre of the Specified Currency of five major banks in the swap, money, securities or other market most closely connected with the relevant Mid-Swap Rate as selected by the Calculation Agent in its discretion after consultation with the Issuer;

  • Reference Bond Rate means, with respect to any date of redemption, the rate per annum equal to the annual or semi-annual yield (as the case may be) to maturity or interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the Reference Bond, assuming a price for the Reference Bond (expressed as a percentage of its nominal amount) equal to the Reference Bond Price for such date of redemption;

  • Reference Bond means for any Reset Period a government security or securities issued by the state responsible for issuing the Specified Currency (which, if the Specified Currency is euro, shall be Germany) selected by the Issuer on the advice of an investment bank of international repute as having an actual or interpolated maturity comparable with the relevant Reset Period that would be utilised, at the time of selection and in accordance with customary financial practice, in pricing new issues of corporate debt securities denominated in the same currency as the Notes and of a comparable maturity to the relevant Reset Period.

  • Reference Bond Dealer means each of five banks which are primary government securities dealers or market makers in pricing corporate bond issuances, as selected by the Calculation Agent in its discretion after consultation with the Issuer;

  • Replacement Reference Rate means a reference rate which is:

  • Underlying Reference Value means, in respect of an Underlying Reference and a SPS Valuation Date, (i) the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Underlying Reference in respect of such SPS Valuation Date (ii) divided by the relevant Underlying Reference Strike Price.

  • Reset Price means the price of the relevant Underlying Reference determined by the Calculation Agent by reference to the price obtained by unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements in respect of the relevant Security during the Unwinding Time Period immediately following the relevant Reset Event Determination Time ;

  • Mid-Swap Rate means, in relation to a Reset Determination Date and subject to Condition 3(b)(ii), either:

  • Reset Rate means, in connection with each Remarketing, the rate per annum (as determined by the Remarketing Agent(s) in consultation with the Company pursuant to the Remarketing Agreement) rounded to the nearest one thousandth (0.001) of one percent that the Notes shall bear.

  • Relevant Reference Price means the Reference Price on the Final Valuation Date. "Security Holder" means the holder of a Security.

  • CPI Daily Inflation Reference Index means (A) in relation to the first day of any given month, the CPI Monthly Reference Index of the third month preceding such month, and (B) in relation to a day (D) (other than the first day) in any given month (M), the linear interpolation of the CPI Monthly Reference Index pertaining respectively to the third month preceding such month (M - 3) and the second month preceding such month (M - 2) calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  • Floating Day Count Fraction means, in respect of the calculation of an amount of interest for any Interest Period:

  • Reset Date means the First Reset Date, the Second Reset Date and each Subsequent Reset Date (as applicable);

  • Reset Period means the First Reset Period or a Subsequent Reset Period, as the case may be;

  • SONIA Reference Rate means, in respect of any London Banking Day, a reference rate equal to the daily Sterling Overnight Index Average ("SONIA") rate for such London Banking Day as provided by the administrator of SONIA to authorised distributors and as then published on the Relevant Screen Page (or if the Relevant Screen Page is unavailable, as otherwise is published by such authorised distributors) on the London Banking Day immediately following such London Banking Day; and