Examples of Residence Grounds in a sentence
You must not keep any animal, bird, reptile, insect or fish at the Accommodation or in the Residence or within the Residence Grounds.
This includes not removing any articles from the Halls of Residence or Residence Grounds belonging to staff or contractors, not damaging the belongings of others, not taking or using other residents' possessions without permission and respecting the privacy of others.
You must not keep any animal, bird, reptile, insect or fish in the Residence or within the Residence Grounds.
We will keep the Residence Grounds and Footpaths tidy and, as far as is reasonably practicable, free from waste or litter.
You must ensure that all persons at the Accommodation who are under the age of 18 are adequately supervised and behave in a fit and proper manner at all times both in the Accommodation, the Residence or the Residence Grounds.
This includes not removing any articles from the Accommodation, Residence or Residence Grounds belonging to staff or contractors, not damaging the belongings of others, not taking or using other residents' possessions without permission and respecting the privacy of others; Not smoking or vaping in the Accommodation or the Residence within 2 metres of any door or window otherwise this will be a breach of Accommodation & Commercial Services Smoke Free Policy.
Not engaging in behaviour likely to cause injury or impair safety in the Accommodation, Residence or Residence Grounds.
You are responsible for the behaviour, in the Accommodation, the Residence, the Residence Grounds and the local neighbourhood surrounding the Residence and Residence Grounds, of any members of your household and invited guest (whether the invitation is express or implied.
We will provide refuse and recycling bins (including repairing and replacing them when necessary) in the shared areas of the Accommodation, the Residence and/or the Residence Grounds and arrange for disposal of refuse from the external bin areas in the Residence and/or the Residence Grounds.
You must not keep any animal, bird, reptile, insect or fish at the Accommodation or in the Residence or within the Residence Grounds other than assistance dogs by prior arrangement with the Accommodation Office.